Aus den Druckfahnen ist jetzt ein publizierter Aufsatz geworden, der frei zugänglich ist. Aufstieg durch Deutungshoheit. Eberhard II. von Bamberg, Friedrich I. Barbarossa und der Tod Konrads III. Link:

Titel + Abstract: This article focuses on the death of  the Holy Roman King Conrad III in Bamberg in 1152 and  explores  the  contemporary  narrative  that  he  recommended  his  nephew,  the  future  Emperor  Frederick I Barbarossa, as his successor instead of  his own son Frederick of  Rothenburg. It argues that this narrative played a crucial role in ensuring Barbarossa’s swift election after Conrad’s death. The article sug- gests that the origin and dissemination of  this narrative can be attributed to a figure that has for the most part been overlooked: Bishop Eberhard II of  Bamberg, who significantly influenced the interpretation of Conrad III’s death. Bishop Eberhard II had a vested interest in preventing Frederick of  Rothenburg from ascending to the throne, thus providing him with a motive to collaborate with Barbarossa. While there may not have been a strong connection between the two before Conrad’s death, they began working closely together immediately afterwards. [...]

It's either a Death's Head, or a Barbarossa. They have the most Bigg Gun energy.


This is the Barbarossa. The shoulder-mounted gun on the image is not, in fact, that spaceship main gun, the "Apocalypse Rail". It's "merely" a Siege Cannon.


... It's a bit of a meme mech, but Barbarossa. Biggest playable mech in the game, slow as molasses, has a SPACESHIP MAIN GUN mounted to it.


Ich finde das wir die personellen Lücken in der Bundeswehr auch durch Migranten stopfen sollten! Für die Operation Barbarossa hat das Deutsche Reich damals 4 Millionen Soldaten aufgeboten, das müssen wir erstmal wieder erreichen!


Several years ago, at a Frankfurt bar called the Barbarossa the jukebox was unplugged after I put Roy Orbison's In Dreams for 6 times. The bar owner just said "enough". 🤣


Since Barbarossa was both emperor of the holy roman empire AND elected king of, he is a good example of how a game takes random traits of a character, in this case he is leader of the holy roman empire in Civilisation IV, and the Franks in Civilisation VII.


Currently in Bremen for, in the Nation, identity & gaming panel. Karin Trattner, Rachel Lara van der Merwe, Lars de Wildt and Gregory Grieve are presenting. Trattner starts, asking of Barbarossa was German?


This is some Operation Barbarossa sized miscalculation