Can't fucking take this anymore. I'm going back to sleep If you've been ignoring my desperate pleas for help I hope u step on a rusty nail barefoot


발 길이에 비해 볼이 넓은 편이라 barefoot shoes 항상 고민했는데 진짜 너무 못생기고 비싸 ㅜㅜㅋㅋㅋ 볼때마다 눈물남 못생겨서… 뭐가 다른가 신어라도 봤음 조켓음



The forest is cold, and it’s wet, and it’s fucking miserable. Roier is barefoot and in his goddamn pajamas and his neck is bruised and he’s cold, he’s so fucking cold, but-

“Guapito! Come back!”

But it beats the cabin and the talking corpse inside.

Cellbit is. Dead. He’s dead. He’s dead and he wants Roier to be dead with him. Which is crazy, right? He and Roier have (had?) only been together for a year, and dying together is a pretty big commitment. 

Except. Except they aren’t dying together. Because Cellbit is already dead. He died while Roier was in the goddamn shower, and now he’s weird. Dead. He’s dead.
Roier’s chest heaves as he pushes his way through the storm and towards where he thinks the cabin’s shitty little toolshed is. When he and Cellbit had first arrived, Roier had gone to check out the shed and he had seen a chainsaw hanging on the wall and he had laughed about how fucking creepy it was, taking a picture and posting it on his Instagram and going back to the cabin and forgetting all about it. 

But his phone is in the cabin. Where Cellbit is. Where Cellbit’s corpse is. Because Cellbit is dead, and he’s awfully set on making Roier join him one way or the other. 

The rain is like needles against Roier’s skin, but he just grits his teeth and deals with it. Cold rain? Easy. Murderous zombie boyfriend? Scary. 

Does Roier actually know how to use a chainsaw? No, but. 

Would a chainsaw even work on a dead guy? He’s already dead!
Roier slams himself against the shed’s door to open it just as the realization hits him that his Cellbit is dead. He’s fucking dead. Just like Bobby, only Bobby got the luxury of being buried. 

He stumbles into the shed and slams the door shut behind him. After a moment of vague panic-thought, he pulls a tool chest in front of the door to block it. 

No windows, just the door. The blocked door. 

It’s only as Roier leans against a wall and puts his face in his hands that he realizes that he’s crying. 

“What the fuck,” he gasps, eyes stinging.

He pulls his hands away and wipes at his tears furiously, borderline slapping his own face because maybe he’ll just wake up. It’s all a dream! He’s going to wake up and he’ll be in his bed back home and Cellbit will be alive and breathing next to him and he won’t be dead and-
The wall next to Roier’s head explodes as a pale fist punches through it.

It is me, I return bearing Ingrid from Watcher of Realms! I mostly just wanted to post my barefoot queen again tho tbh