The last of the beans stew he first intimidating the Hunters then when he says to there injured prisoner to come with him they get killed for there trouble. As a fan of Euro Westerns few have the humour of this film with Trinity very much in the Batlash or Joe Kidd model of gunfighter not the moody


I remember that one. Perceptive, as always. "The minute it was clear or even suspected something new wasn't selling as well as Batman, it was terminated." That, alas, is Carmine in a nutshell. He cited Batlash as his favorite, and canceled after 5 issues. I doubt he had accurate sales figures.


I remember years ago finding the Showcase Presents: Batlash without really knowing what to expect and loving it, and Cardy's art was so great. Not a lot of issues, but a wonderful run.


I'd like to find another comic to use my personal font on which is based on my hand lettering. This is from Batman: The Knight which came out last year. I did use it a few weeks ago on a Batlash story but hopefully something else I can use it on will turn up soon.