The book is good - I found his Leyte Gulf book in New York in January, & his evaluation of Halsey, Mitscher, Oldendorf & Kincaid & the situation Ozawa was put in was impressive. His Pacific War book has been criticised because he ignores the RN, but they didn't feature in any of the carrier battles.


How close are you trying to get the font? I may be able to dig up a closer one. This is lovely BTW. Almost makes me want to play Starfleet Battles.


Mid afternoon, June 26, 1862. Fitz John Porter’s V Corps of the Army of the Potomac array themselves east of Beaver Dam Creek. #wargames (The Seven Days Battles by Worthington)

Board game in progress. Union line extends north to south on the east bank of Beaver Dam Creek with the Union corps commander further to the east behind his line.

Why god give his battles to their most insane solider.....


Definitely plan to leave the ECHR - but the Tory tossers can fluff off! I think without the battles from decent Tory MPs, the Courts & the Lords, perhaps - we would be right up that mucky creek now.


Today 15:41 Israeli media: A third soldier from the Egoz unit was killed in battles in southern #Lebanon


Did he just call Israel a pussy then in coded language? is he trying to get us invaded as well.? I thought it would say himself? Is that why we're helping her as she is weak and needs men to fight her battles for her ? Has Israel got PMT and that's why they are invading everyone? The Cis confuses me


Yep. Ultimately we have the language we have, and writers have to make pragmatic decisions about how to best use that language. Some idealism is fine, too, but if you're trying to entertain you need to pick your battles unless you're a true genius of prose. Which I am very much not