Early members of the lab 😊 Back in 2007 (when the lab was just 3 years old) and last Friday at our 20-year celebration 🎉 It’s incredible to see how much they've accomplished since leaving our lab 😊 #Science#Laboratory#Anniversary#BiomedicalScience#Career

Eight people are smiling in a small laboratory.
Six people are pausing for a photo in a conference room.

4 years ago I drew myself in the beginning of my undergraduation. This week I drew myself again , accidentally completing a whole college era biomedical science sure is one hell of a field #biomedicalscience#biomed#art


Current lab crew: The new semester has begun, and we have welcomed a new student to the lab🤩 And, we we are already celebrating his birthday during his first week🎉🥳 #GraduateSchool#BiomedicalScience#CellBiology#MolecularBiology#Genetics#Biochemistry#CancerBiology#AgingBiology

In the photo, six people are standing in front of shelves, all smiling. The tallest person is holding a birthday cake.

I had the pleasure of meeting a new group of students in the graduate programs 😊 It already feels like Friday 🤔 While it’s not Friday here in PA yet, it is in many countries, including where some of our students are from🌏 So, #FluorescenceFriday#Orientation#BiomedicalScience#GraduateStudents 😉

Green fluorescent protein expressed in human cell nuclei. Four nuclei were in the image. One nucleus has two tiny additional micronuclei, another nucleus has one micronucleus.

From my student who recently completed her master’s degree ☺️ I am happy 😊 #Mentoring#GraduteSchool#Education#MastersDegree#BiomedicalScience

A white mug says world’s most awesome mentor.

Chocolate graduation cap for Havya 😊 Congrats once again, Havya 🎉 My wife made this cap for her 😉 #Graduation#Masters#Degree#BiomedicalScience#GraduateSchool#Cap#Hat#Chocolate#Dessert#Sweet

Chocolate-made graduation cap with a red licorice Tassel.
Havya is holding the chocolate graduation cap.

Volgende week begint het nieuwe academische jaar. Vandaag mochten we alvast onze nieuwe studenten begroeten en ze een klein beetje wegwijs maken mbt hetgeen hen te wachten staat. Welcome class of 2023! #BiomedicalScience #MaastrichtUniversity


It was a honor to be part of this committee. Join @NASEM_Health on Aug 22 for the public release webinar of the new report, “Toward Equitable Innovation in Health and Medicine: A Framework." Register here: #BiomedicalScience #Innovation #STEM

Creating a Framework for Emerging Science, Technology, and Innovation in Health and Medicine: Report...
Creating a Framework for Emerging Science, Technology, and Innovation in Health and Medicine: Report...

Register for this event from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.