until the actual hardware arrives i have no way to time how long screen blit takes, but at *best* i can only output at 40-50fps at 240x240 which isnt too bad for the screen its the "im making a camera that can apply LUTs and shaders and the output resolution is 2592x1944" part im worried about...


so what i didnt want from some code that's meant to run on an esp32 that applies a LUT to a live camera frame before screen blit is for it to take 20ms per frame and be 430 lines of code


O Uber rindo da Lidiane falando “blit” ao invés de “blitz”


I was going to just scroll over the image instead of redrawing, but it gets drawn over by the background and various objects (they're blit individually when the player is behind them). So I ended up having to reblit the whole bg each frame. I'm coloring individual pixels over here, nothing fancy


I keep an offset for the map and blit the image at an offset. I actually tried splitting it into tiles initially, but it was massively more efficient to blitone image rather than visible individual tiles. There is a persistent animated background behind it so image needs redrawn every frame anyway