I'm so stressed, getting my bloodtest results in like an hour. I'm just so tired of feeling great only to have my bloodtest show elevated something or another, then having to spend weeks rework my HRT, feeling like crap. Again and again 🫠


📢Honestly I'm a little drained from today after my bloodtest, and grocery shopping so Imma get a little extra rest. Am still gonna aim to stream Smash Remix, and MHFU later on though likely, but gonna make sure I'm rested up in full.


from what i understand, there's a bloodtest that can be done when you're in a flare that, if positive, is a sure sign. But it doesn't always show up, and timing the test can be tricky. frankly, i think if behaving as though you have MCAS helps reduce symptoms, you can safely assume it's MCAS.


bloodtest time


Finally got my first blood test results for my HRT. Everything looks good. 123 pg/ml E and 39 ng/dl T 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️ #hrt#trans#results#bloodtest


I had to finish and rush to dinner because I don't want to fail my bloodtest... But yes, Final Fantasy 8 dropped SO many plot points today, I'm shocked! I don't even want to discuss them to avoid spoiling people! But yes, raided today before an important battle!


I am Fng NOT!! You WILL MAKE ME CRY..My BEST FRIEND DIED JUST BEFORE I wanted to ask him to be My BEST MAN.... My SECOND choice said No... because His BOYFRIEND didn't trust HIM! Yeah! I was THAT CUTE!! The Ex-Wife would not let Me go..I was whipped! Divorced now.THAT BLOODTEST IS NOT FORTHCOMING.


last time my T was tested it was 22 I need a bloodtest ideally with the dose I actually take 😭


There's a lot unpacked there, from the advent of the PSA bloodtest to how training doctor bedside manner for DREs to why some docs still do DREs despite the PSA test...


Not too bad, thanks for asking. I need to remember to phone and find out the result of that latest bloodtest on Monday. I applied for another nice home on the social housing, I won't get it, probably, but I'm getting close to 'winning' one - which actually makes me both excited and nervous af, tbhNot too bad, thanks for asking. I need to remember to phone and find out the result of that latest bloodtest on Monday. I applied for another nice home on the social housing, I won't get it, probably, but I'm getting close to 'winning' one - which actually makes me both excited and nervous af, tbh