A partially leucistic White-crowned Sparrow sitting in my redbud back in May when it was in bloom #sparrows#Bobsbackyard#Ancaster#HamOnt#birds#birding#birdphotography

A sparrow facing me on branches of my backyard redbud, with a few pink petals in the foreground, and dark green spruce tree behind it. It has a white and black striped crown, and all gray underparts, however, it has aberrant white plumage on its throat, making it partially leucistic.

Motley crew - two young Rose-breasted Grosbeaks molting into adult plumage dropped by the feeders yesterday morning #Bobsbackyard#Ancaster#HamOnt#birds#birding#birdphotography

Two grosbeaks sitting on my tray feeder, one with its back to me and the other facing me. They both have remnants of immature plumage like mom, especially around their upper backs and heads, but their lower bits are looking more like mature males, with white underparts and a rose colored bib

Yesterday I was surprised to see this mother Northern Cardinal still feeding her youngster at this time of year. It waited impatiently in my spruce for her to make a few trips to the feeder for seeds #Ancaster#HamOnt#birds#birding#birdphotography#Bobsbackyard#givemomabreak

A mother cardinal feeding her youngster while they sit in a spruce, so there are two birds with overall shades of reddish brown surrounded by green spruce boughs. The mother's beak is orange and the youngster's is black.

You never know what's prowling your neighbourhood at night. #Bobsbackyard#Ancaster#HamOnt#coyote

A black and white image shot by my trail cam set up in my backyard at about 3 am. There is a large coyote looking up at the second floor of my house!

I'm not out much these days, so am very grateful for the birds that come to see me! My first backyard warbler of fall migration, an American Redstart, and a Rose-breasted Grosbeak were yesterday's #Bobsbackyard#birds#birding#Ancaster#HamOnt#birdphotography

A redstart in my backyard spruce, about to take off. Its head is gray, back pale brown, breast orange, and underbelly white. I am not sure if it is an adult female, or a hatch year bird of either sex.
An adult female or hatch year bird of either sex, sitting on my feeders. It is mostly various shades of brown, with white wingbars and a white eye stripe.

I haven't been able to get out birding much lately, so it is nice when the fall migrants come to me. This Swainson's Thrush just passed through #Bobsbackyard#Ancaster#HamOnt#thrush#birds#birding#birdphotography

A Swainson's Thrush in my backyard spruce tree this morning, half in sunlight, half in shade. He's in profile view, looking to the left. He's various shades of brown, with white underpart covered in large brown spots. He has orangish "spectacles" around his eye

Although the median fall departure date for Baltimore Orioles from my area is Sept 8th, most of my dozen regulars have been gone for a few days. Here's a few photos; most taken recently except for one from the spring, when my redbud was in bloom. #Bobsbackyard#Ancaster#HamOnt#orioles#birds

A mature male Baltimore Oriole perched amongst the pink blooms of my redbud, about to leap off and fly to my feeders
A young, immature Baltimore Oriole peeking over a spruce branch in my backyard. It is totally a soft yellow with hints of orange and black coming in.
A young Baltimore Oriole on a branch of my redbud, in this photo now leafed out. It is soft yellow with black wings with white trim and white wingbars
A mature male Baltimore Oriole sitting on my feeders, with its head tilted slightly upward, looking like it is contemplating life

The Wild Turkey kids are getting big, and making themselves at home in #Bobsbackyard#birds#birding#birdphotography#turkey#Ancaster#HamOnt

Two young Wild Turkeys in my backyard. The one in the background is standing looking to the right, while the one in the foreground is laying down on the grass, with its tail fanned and wings spread
A young Wild Turkey resting in my backyard, laying down on the grass with its tail fanned and its wings slightly spread out

Set 2 of 2 of birds posing on my chickadee ornament from Metalbird Canada - Carolina Wren, Red-breasted Nuthatch, and Ruby-throated Hummingbird #Ancaster#HamOnt#Bobsbackyard

A Carolina Wren perched on my chickadee ornament
A Red-breasted Nuthatch perched on my chickadee ornament
A Ruby-throated Hummingbird perched on my chickadee ornament