I need fluffy domestic HakuHiro like I need air. Cooking and eating dinner together, tending each other's wounds, sitting up with each other when nightmares keep them awake, taking care of each other when they're sick, everything. Canon is so brutal to them that I need them to be happy somehow.


Hello par ici, comme tout premier post je vous propose le p'tit planning Twitch du moment avec : - V Rising (difficulté brutal) en duo les mardis - Dredge : The Iron Rig les mercredis - du Red Dead Redemption 2 les dimanches Si ça vous intéresse, c'est ici ➡️ ⬅️


great poke check from chabot but his guy gets the puck back and scores. just brutal.


“An interview with Democratic strategist Maria Cardona about a brutal New York Times expose on Trump's mental unfitness for the presidency—and how Dems can make it matter in the closing stretch”

Transcript: NYT Exposes Alarming New Signs of Trump’s Mental Decline
Transcript: NYT Exposes Alarming New Signs of Trump’s Mental Decline

An interview with Democratic strategist Maria Cardona about a brutal New York Times expose on Trump's mental unfitness for the presidency—and how Dems can make it matter in the closing stretch.


10 juegos para conocerme: Rock'n'roll Racing Super Mario World Ocarina of Time Half Life 2 Bioshock 1 Baldur's Gate 1-2-3 Skyrim Brutal Legend The Witcher 3 Elden Ring


Mi amigo le ha dado uno a su chica que ha sido brutal: ella ha editado el vídeo poniéndolo a cámara lenta, pero el sonido no lo ha editado. Luego tenía toda la cara roja, la pobre.


That’s brutal!!!! Great shiny tho fs


6) The Letter A horror VN inspired by Ju-ON and The Ring. The seven playable characters have been cursed and need to quickly break before it kills them all. A brutal horror game that kept me on the edge of my seat! Huge fan of the sound design in this one, really added to the tense atmosphere.

The Letter key art featuring the seven playable characters