The dragon's greatest treasure 🪙Minimoni 🪙15K, Explicit 🔞


The rarest pair 💎Jinmin 💎Mature, 8k


• kick drum heart • jikook | friends to lovers | 90s era | punk drummer jungkook | sweet and soft and smutty🔞 | getting together | one shot | 7.1k originally written for Jikook: to Lovers zine♥️


Come heaven or high water 🌌Jikook, 4k


💛 fall into place 💛 twice jm said they should be boyfriends and once it was jk who said it. »

jikook collage with a romantic, pinkish mood. images of a snow heart, watching tv, cuddling, holding hands, and kissing. there's text that reads: "I looked at him as a friend until I realized I loved him" and "perfect for me"

This week, let's start with recs of the cutest person ever: Jimin! Share fics and art with Jimin as the center! Which are your favorite fluff Jimin works? #BTS#BTSfic#BTSfest#Jimin

a young man wearing a pink bunny hat and a black shirt
a young man wearing a pink bunny hat and a black shirt

Alt: Jimin of BTS wearing a bunny hat and a black t-shirt, doing a heart with his hands


🎆 before i open up my eyes and fall 🎆 nj is a borderline neurotic CEO. jm is nj's trusty assistant... until he isn't. »

minjoon grid collage with a travel aesthetic, a night pool, fireworks over a city, and beach views. at the top, pictures of jimin and namjoon looking professional; at the bottom, minjoon looking relaxed while travelling. a central quote reads: "MY SOUL WILL FIND YOURS"

Instant Ramen: Just Add Cock - Namjin 🐨🐹 - Rated E 🔞, 888 words - Crack, PWP, CEO x Secretary A silly fic by me and

Screenshot of AO3 fanfic "Instant Ramen: Just Add Cock" by Arrowana

Boop chapter 2 of Moving On is finally done Namjoon and Yoongi spend more time together and Namjoon comes to a realisation.... Which he has been trying to ignore for the past couple of weeks.


Molasses by orphan_account Vmin - Teen and Up

Summary: “You're really brave,” Taehyung says. He's a little bit awestruck. That easy smile returns to Jimin's features. “Maybe. Or maybe I just don't have a choice.” In which Taehyung learns that disabled is not a dirty word.
Notes: Jimin's injury/disability in this story isn't one I have first or even second hand experience with, but I set out to educate myself while writing and it's been really interesting to learn about spinal cord injuries and the experiences of wheelchair users. It’s definitely important stuff to know Primarily a sweet little getting together fic but I also didn’t want to shy away from the real life experiences of disabled people and autistic people. I did delve into some heavier topics i.e. ableism, sex & sexuality, trauma, so look out for TWs at the start of some chapters! In no way am I trying to fetishize disability (this issue is actually addressed in Jimin’s storyline), I just wanted to write something with this subject that's NOT a sob story