This week: You put WHAT on that thing? Join Bug Boy on Patreon for making-of extras & behind the scenes trivia. Try it free

Bug Boy®-Adventures of a SuperB Hero on His Day Off

Dag-Nabbit ©2024 Amy D

First Panel- Bug Boy standing in front of his kitchen table. He is grabbing slices of bread out of a bag sitting on the table and putting them on a plate.

Second Panel- A zoomed out view of the table, you can now also see a bowl of chips, an open package of bologna, and slices of cheese on a cheese board. Bug Boy is now holding a head of lettuce and starting to remove some of the leaves.

Third Panel- Bug Boy standing in front of an open fridge.He is reaching for something in the fridge and looks excited. In his other arm he’s already holding hot dogs, donuts, fish, eggs, turkey legs and ice cream.

Fourth Panel- A very tall sandwich about 17 layers high, with everything from the previous panels plus a few other things.Bug Boy’s head is barely peeking out over the top of it with his nose resting on the top slice of bread.

Final Panel- The sandwich now has 2 toothpicks sticking out the top with olives...

This week: Get to the point! Join Bug Boy on Patreon to view this week’s exclusive extra panel. Try it free (who doesn’t like free stuff?)

Bug Boy®-Adventures of a SuperB Hero on His Day Off

Spiked Walls ©2024 Amy D

First Panel- Bug Boy & Seymour enclosed in a room with no doors. There are large metal spikes sticking out of the walls. Both Bug Boy & Seymour look frightened.

Narrator: This isn't the type of predicament our heroes should be getting into on their day off!

Seymour: I told you we just should've gone to that cooking class!

Second Panel- A close up of Bug Boy. He’s holding his arms out as the walls seem to be closing in on him.

Bug Boy: Why don't we just break the 4th wall?

Final Panel- A top-down view of Bug Boy & Seymour “trapped” in the spike room. While the walls have closed in even farther, it’s revealed that one wall is completely missing and it opens up to a grassy field outside.

Seymour: What wall?! There’s nothing there!
A blurred image with text over it that reads “View this Extra Panel Exclusively on Patreon.”

This week: A history lesson? Want to know just what those “other things” are? Join Bug Boy on Patreon to find out. Try it free. (who doesn’t like free stuff?)

Bug Boy®-Adventures of a SuperB Hero on His Day Off

To the Moon ©2024 Amy D

First Panel- Bug Boy & Seymour sitting on the sofa in the Bug Bungalow watching TV. Both of them are eating from what appear to be silver food pouches. Seymour is also holding a corn beef sandwich.

Sound from TV: We choose to go to the moon in this d’cade and do the other things…

Seymour: Decayed? The astronauts went to space in decay? Were they bugs?  

Second Panel- Bug Boy & Seymour are still watching TV. Bug Boy has moved on to eating from a different silver pouch, while Seymour has taken a couple bites from his corn beef sandwich.

Bug Boy: Actually, the first animals sent into space were fruit flies.

Seymour: Then why does everyone think it was a dog? 

Final Panel- A closeup of Bug Boy. He is looking away from the TV, leaning on the armrest of the sofa with his head in his head looking confused.

Bug Boy: Beats me? I'm still trying to figure out what the “other things” were?

This week: Attention to “detail” Join Bug Boy on Patreon to view this week’s exclusive “5th Panel”. You know you want to.

Bug Boy®-Adventures of a SuperB Hero on His Day Off
Walk ©2024 Amy D

First Panel- Bug Boy & Seymour walking down the street on the sidewalk. There are a couple trees and houses on the street, but not many.
Narrator: We find our heroes on a quiet walk around the neighborhood. 
Seymour: Quiet is right. You'd think a town full of bugs would have more buildings or trees.

Final Panel- Bug Boy & Seymour now walking away from the camera, still on the sidewalk. There are still very few houses or trees.
Cartoonist: Hey, you try drawing that much detail for one strip. I just wanted you to sit on Main Street bug-watching. But you decided to go for a walk instead.
Bug Bug: Just be happy we have ground to walk on.
A blurred image with text over it that reads “View this ‘5 Panel’ Exclusively on Patreon.”

This week: There’s not going to be a test, is there? Join Bug Boy on Patreon to view this week’s exclusive “5th Panel”

Bug Boy®-Adventures of a SuperB Hero on His Day Off

Taking Notes ©2024 Amy D

1st Panel- Bug Boy sitting on the couch watching TV. He has a clipboard and pencil in his hands. Seymour is standing next to him, leaning on the armrest of the couch, looking at the TV as well.

Seymour: What are you watching?

Bug Boy: An action movie marathon.

Seymour: But you're taking notes?

2nd Panel- A close up shot of Bug Boy, writing something down on the clipboard.

Bug Boy: Well, yeah. How else am I gonna learn to be a better superb hero? 

3rd Panel- A close up of the TV screen. There is a black and white image on the screen of an old action hero movie.

Bug Boy (off camera): It's not like they teach this stuff in schools.

Final Panel- A zoomed out shot of the living room. Seymour is now in front of the TV, walking over to sit down on the side of the couch opposite Bug Boy. Bug Boy is leaning to one side to be able to see the TV around Seymour. There is a giant bowl of popcorn
A blurred image with text over it that reads “View this ‘5 Panel’ Exclusively on Patreon.”

Protect the bugboy!