Today’s #BusStopBirds! My little Vulpes cracked up at the brown creeper. 🪶

A list of birds: American Robin, red bellied woodpecker, northern cardinal, and downy woodpecker.
A list of birds: brown creeper, golden crowned kinglet, white breasted nuthatch, white throated sparrow, and blue jay.

#BusStopBirds! The Carolina wrens were out in force this morning. Pretty sure I counted at least eight different singers. Could’ve been more. I could hear a red bellied woodpecker in the distance, but Merlin couldn’t pick it up over the chorus of wrens.


We’re back with #BusStopBirds! I figured it would be fewer birds than the springtime, but I did get somebody new—a black throated green warbler. I’ll be checking for this one again this week, see if I can get eyes on the little guy. 🪶


This morning’s #BusStopBirds. I’ve seen the great crested flycatchers in my yard, never realized that crazy buzzing croak was them! 🪶


Today’s #BusStopBirds I love when I actually get a glimpse of the great crested flycatcher!


The child requested more #BusStopBirds! The Louisiana Waterthrush is a first for me, and that little bird just kept singing their heart out! 🪶


I’m starting a thing called #BusStopBirds. A couple times per week, I’m taking out the Merlin app and listening to birds with my child while we wait for the bus. She loves it!

A list of birds and their photos. Baltimore oriole, gray catbird, northern parula, brown thrasher, white-breasted nuthatch, American goldfinch, tufted titmouse, and Carolina wren.