Tripod Cauldron oF Ran (Ran ding)

On this vessel, monster masks are cast in bold, high relief against a background of finely squared spirals, in a style that reflects the fullest development of Shang surface design. Each mask is composed of prominent horns, eyes, nose, upper jaw, and ears. The low ridge or flange, which bisects each mask, marks a division in the clay mold assembly used to cast this vessel. This type of three-legged cauldron is the most common of all ritual vessels; even after the end of China's Bronze Age, it remained a symbol of the political authority and legitimacy of the ruling house.  Cast on the inside wall is the family emblem: Bing.
Originally golden in color, this vessel developed a surface corrosion or patina during centuries of burial underground. It was subsequently cleaned, recoated, and darkened probably by heating. The resulting smooth, blackish brown surface is characteristic of many bronzes that have come down to us from collections of the 19th century and earlier. This vessel had been in the collection of the eminent court official Duanfang (1861-1911).

Lucy Maud Buckingham Collection
0 Which only goes to show how much of a lie any claim of cheating is as they prepare their arguments long before any votes are cast. They are preparing to sow chaos, mistrust & to begin the process of undermining democracy in America. These are the true enemies of America

Trump preps catalog of "cheating" claims for potential election loss
Trump preps catalog of "cheating" claims for potential election loss

No one should be surprised this time around.


#AlphabetChallenge#WeekNforNumbers#photography 📷 📸#travel Ironbridge Gorge Shropshire, England 2017 The world’s first cast iron bridge, built 1779


Chuck was a charming series with a fantastic cast. Everyone’s entitled to their choice, but this is extremely disappointing.😔


mano nmrl, seria tão feliz se eu fizesse parte do cast de pjo 💭


Face Off ..... Tom Tug as Nic Cage and Cleverly as John Travolta The cast for Face Off 2 is not yet known - but Bad Enoch clearly understudies the Travolta role ..... with Jenryk crashing in from another movie altogether - perhaps The Great Dictator or Silence of the Lambs


Austria has to face its past. It has never acknowledged its rôle within the 3rd Reich and has been allowed to cast itself as a victim of the Nazis.


I had a bunch of complaints but I was a good ghost and deleted them, but it basically boiled down to everything from the cast to the global mechanics


Rumor has it the new spidey movie will cast a gwen stacy and if this is true i will be wearing my "gwen stacy is a fascist dipshit" tshirt