My team and I support the research project with data visualization and communications, and also design and develop custom applications and information products to make the research results usable and decision-relevant for the Federal Foreign Office and its partners.

Screenshot of CCVI website and index structure tree

All data is available under a creative commons license, and the methodology is thoroughly explained on our website. A full release of the data processing code is also planned for 2025.

Download panel for CCVI data

Very excited that the “Climate—Conflict—Vulnerability Index (CCVI)” was unveiled by Annalena Baerbock at the Climate Security Conference Berlin. → The project provides a bird’s eye view on global climate and conflict risks, in high temporal and spatial resolution.

Climate—Conflict—Vulnerability Index (CCVI)
Climate—Conflict—Vulnerability Index (CCVI)

The Climate—Conflict—Vulnerability Index (CCVI) maps current global risks by integrating climate and conflict hazards with local vulnerabilities.


The CCVI has a scientifically-backed tool designed to assess current global risks to human security stemming from climate and conflict events. 🌍🔍 It offers a comparative, global view of these risks. Go check it out and let us know what you think! All data open to download.


Super excited that FM Baerbock launched the Climate Conflict Vulnerability Index #CCVI#ClimateSecurity#Resilience#Research#GlobalRisk


Sehr cool wenn die Außenministerin eines der Projekte vorstellt, an dem wir & die Teams vom PIK und UniBW München seit 2 Jahren arbeiten. Probiert das Tool gerne selbst aus als neuen Ansatz der Darstellung von #Klimawandel#Konflikt#Vulnerabilitä


fabula murina (mouse story) CCVI Silvius et Minimus foris sunt, sed necesse est Silvio ad latrinam ire (Minimus and Silvius are out, but Silvius needs to go to the loo). Minimus foricam ornatam invenit (Minimus finds an ornate public toilet). gratias ago, tata! (Thanks, Daddy!) #fabulamurina

Photo of Minimus and Silvius, the Latin mice. Silvius is perched on a herb planter that looks suspiciously like a mouse-sized public toilet. Minimus is keeping a watchful eye on him, as he is rather high off the ground!

This makes me more mad than the CCVI nonsense ( which sucked up millions of MS research funds, because it is so staggeringly impossible. I'm also someone who lost a grandparent to dementia, which definitely colours my opinion.