Oké, ik begin: In mijn werk (basisonderwijs) had ik een lln met COPD, later 1 met Spierdystrofie en ook 1 met Leukemie. Ineens zag ik in hoe dankbaar ik moest zijn met mijn mazzel van een gezond lichaam. En hoe idioot het is om je uiterste best te doen dat te verprutsen door te roken. #StopTober


"Another Gloster resident, Myrtis Woodard, has firsthand experience of the problem. “It was better before that mill came,” Woodard said. “We can’t come outside, the air is so bad. I’ve got two inhalers and the doctor tried to give me another one. I have asthma, COPD, and angina.”"

The Dirty Business of Clean Energy: The U.K. Power Company Polluting Small Towns Across the U.S
The Dirty Business of Clean Energy: The U.K. Power Company Polluting Small Towns Across the U.S

Based on dubious carbon accounting, Drax, which runs the U.K.’s biggest power plant, is rapidly expanding its wood pellet operations across America.


Daarom gebruiken wij onze openhaard al 5 jaar niet meer. Rookoverlast voor buurtbewoners en mensen met longproblemen zoals COPD enz. En dan nog niet gesproken over o.a. zware metalen, CO2, methaan enz. En dan hebben we ook nog vuurwerk. 😭


this is gonna be a hard sad week, I suspect: - departmental secretary has a detached retina, is having emergency surgery right now - a friend lost a friend who was close to them to something like COPD - hundreds of people are dead and thousands and thousands are facing hardship


Rookbom: 672.000 Nederlanders chronisch ziek door tabak Nederland, maandag, 30 september 2024. Nieuw RIVM-onderzoek onthult: 672.000 Nederlanders lijden aan chronische ziektes door roken. COPD en kanker zijn de grootste boosdoeners. Mannen vaker getrof


Het KWF meldt dat zo'n 672.000 mensen in Nederland lijden aan ziektes als COPD en kanker door roken. Veel meer mannen zijn chronisch ziek door roken dan vrouwen.

RIVM: 672.000 Nederlanders chronisch ziek door roken
RIVM: 672.000 Nederlanders chronisch ziek door roken

Tabak: Het KWF meldt dat zo'n 672.000 mensen in Nederland lijden aan ziektes als COPD en kanker door roken. Veel meer mannen zijn chronisch ziek door roken dan vrouwen.


There are only a handful of things I’m a judgmental bitch about. I try hard not to let it affect my regard for loved ones and folks who I know have actually put thought and planning into containing the blast zone of the risks they’re taking with their own health. But man. This gets under my skin.

After surviving abuse against me and the kids seems 1 have given myself a free pass on some bad habits that I used for coping with all that but now for too long. I know I'm probably the asshole if I keep smoking. But am I still the asshole if I vape instead? I know I'm the asshole if I don't get off the couch but am I still the asshole if I only go to the gym once a week? Like what's the line of protecting the kids but also still doing me
You're "doing you" until you're sixty two and on permanent disability because you have severe COPD due to smoking, your lungs are shutting down incrementally, you are gradually choking to death, there's nothing the doctors can do, and not only do your kids have to watch you suffocate slowly but because you're so frail the caretaking falls to them and they're taking second jobs to keep your oxygen tank filled and working and stressing themselves into ulcers trying to pay for your medications and groceries because your disability benefits are SH

Erste Etappe ist rum. Blase und Prostata, COPD und Ischias. Die 2. Etappe startet jetzt. 🙄😴


But it claims to protect you from so much more including: - unusual tick/flea-born diseases! - a common complication of smoking! - the clap! - a bacterial infection you get from drinking raw milk! I half expected that list to include old-timey diseases like scrofula and the bubonic plague.

This kit claims to treat bird flue, rosacea, babesiosis (an unusual tick-born disease), bartonella (a rare flea-born disease), bronchitis, pneumonia, COPD (which is really more of a syndrome, common in long-time smokers), influenza A & B, inner ear infections (hard to do with just pills), lice (what, are supposed to rub the ivermectin pills on your head?), parasitic worms, pertussis (aka whooping cough), Q-fever (a bacterial infection from raw milk), scabies, sinus infections, strep throat, and urethral and cervical inflammations from chlamydia.

My mom and oxygen-dependent stepdad are low on oxygen & propane but have been reached on foot by a home health aide who lives nearby and are okay despite a tree on the house. Feels like an impossible ask but if anyone can help with oxygen and a power source, my stepdad has advanced COPD. #asheville