Black Canary but make it Cyberpunk AF


Tom King's Black Canary is going to end with her using her sonic scream to sing "God Bless The USA" at an ethically dubious villain, isn't it? #FizzVsComics

a cartoon drawing of a woman with blonde hair screaming in front of a clock
a cartoon drawing of a woman with blonde hair screaming in front of a clock

ALT: a cartoon drawing of a woman with blonde hair screaming in front of a clock


I put a post up the other day from the Canary which was saying exactly that, unfortunately it was on my twitter feed and I am hopeless on computers but worth a read.


More highlights: At last, a Crisis change I support.

Black Canary does not have her mother’s memory in post Crisis continuity

> ARCVMでは紛らわしくなるのを避けるためか、Android版のChromeをインストールできなかったので Beta/Dev/Canary版のAndroid Chromeだったらインストールできた気がします。Play側のフィルタリングの関係で機種による可能性もありますが、私のHP Dragonfly ChromebookにはBeta版が入ってます。


Helsinki-based animation shop Gigglebug Entertainment is bolstering its 2D production capabilities in Europe with the opening of a new studio facility in the Canary Islands.


Mobile Edge is getting extension support (testing in canary since spring) and has a different mv2 depreciation deadline


If Trump loses the canary in the coal mine will have been “Nikki Haley gets 30% in the Indiana primary two months after she dropped out”


alsoalso: would you look at the rest of glorious programme! What a year ahead. #earlymodern#skystorians


07 October 2024

Colin Jones (QMUL): ‘Robespierre, list-maker’

Hybrid | Online-via Zoom & IHR Wolfson Room NB01, Basement, IHR, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU

Co-Sponsored with IHR Modern French History Seminar


21 October 2024

Toby Green (KCL): Cacheu: A microhistorical approach for West African history in the 17th century

IHR Wolfson Room NB02, Basement, IHR, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU


11 November 2024

Lila O'Leary Chambers (Cambridge): Insurgent Spirits: Property, Authority, and the Politics of Alcohol in the Leeward Islands Plantation Complex.

Respondent: Miles Ogborn (QMUL)

Hybrid | Online-via Zoom & IHR Pollard N301, IHR, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU


25 November 2024

Erin Maglaque (Sheffield): Mortality and Memory: Foundlings in Early Modern Catholic Europe

Hybrid | Online-via Zoom & IHR Wolfson Room NB02, Basement, IHR, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU


Term 2


13 January 2025 

Ana Struillou (IHR), From Mexico to Algiers. Tracing the Itineraries of Spanish-American Goods in the Pre-Modern Maghrib

Hybrid | Online-via Zoom & IHR Wolfson Room NB02, Basement, IHR, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU


10 February 2025

Sheilagh Ogilvie (All Souls College, Oxford): Controlling Contagion: Epidemics and Institutions from the Black Death to Covid

Hybrid | Online-via Zoom & IHR Wolfson Room NB02, Basement, IHR, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU


10 March 2025

Allison Stielau (UCL), Treasure Hoards in the Thirty Years' War

Hybrid | Online-via Zoom & IHR Wolfson Room NB02, Basement, IHR, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU


Term 3


28 April 2025

Michael A. Pope (UCL): 'Dissimilar Gentiles: Canary Islanders and Black West Africans in the early modern Iberian Atlantic'

Hybrid | Online-via Zoom & IHR room tbc

No I did not search ebay/etsy/poshmark for hours for an affordable lookalike for Demi's big yellow coat in The Substance, mind your business.

Demin dressed in a fab canary yellow trench coat in The Substance.