Please visit UrgentSeas’ website and sign the petition to have Kshamenk moved to a proper sanctuary. Please! 🙏🙏🙏 Orcas are such intelligent, beautiful and social animals. These tiny pools are like solitary confinement to them. 🐬🐳💔😢

‘Free Kshamenk’: The campaign to release the last captive orca in Latin America | CNN
‘Free Kshamenk’: The campaign to release the last captive orca in Latin America | CNN

A social media campaign by activists has brought the 4-ton orca a following far beyond what might usually be expected at his oceanarium 200 miles from Buenos Aires.


Please consider the cruelty of this! Don’t go to dolphin and orca shows. 🙏🙏🙏🐬🐳💔 (Photo courtesy of Dolphin Project) #dolphin#ocean#surf#captivitykills#orca#freedom#blackfish#nemo


They call them the “wolves of the sea”. Beautiful. Majestic. Super intelligent, social animals. Longest recorded distance travelled 5000 miles. People put them in “bathtubs” in order to make money. Pure cruelty! 🐬🐳💔😢 #captivitykills#orcas#pets !


Please don’t visit dolphin and orca shows where beautiful wild animals are kept in unnatural cramped spaces against their will. It’s super cruel and equates to slavery.

Pledge to Boycott SeaWorld!
Pledge to Boycott SeaWorld!

You can help orcas by signing the pledge never to visit SeaWorld or other marine parks.