O estudo que a reportagem fala na real é uma pesquisa, além que os próprio pesquisadores sugerem que está mais ligado a uma questão social que qualquer outra coisa. Por isso o sentimento de culpa no pós-sexo causal entre mulheres é maior: em sociedade cristãos mulheres sofrem mais com repreensão.


Causal inference under transportability assumptions for conditional relative effect measures When extending inferences from a randomized trial to a new target population, an assumption of transportability of difference effect measures (e.g., conditional average tr 📈🤖


Platonic Theology VI.8 says that two gods can have the same proper name (in this case Zeus) and this is is a sign of their union with each other (presumably their close causal connection).


Thank you so much for the art share. I might share some werewolf art 👹

A humorous illustration of the trio from ‘The Henchmen’s Guide’, is which Sloan, shifted into a huge horse sized werewolf, reminiscent of a black wolf hound cross borzoi, lays the front half of her body over her two henchmen, thus trapping them. 
Theo is enraged by this. He is a young man in a pink shirt with gold dreadlocks, who is laying on his back and trying to bench press one of Sloan muscular forearms off him. Not only is this not working, despite his teeth gritting effort, but according to Sloan’s gaze, which is directed elsewhere, and her causal smile, she doesn’t seem to be at all hindered by him.
Miles is next to Theo. He has long dark hair, a patterned aqua green grandpa sweater and a side eyes smirk directed at Theo. Miles is unbothered by Sloan lying on him, given his body language. He is both used to Sloan and amused by Theo’s rebellion to all authority.
On a wet road in a dim foggy forest, a werewolf so dark it could be described as a silhouette with white eyes, looms over a young man laying on the tarmac in a frozen state of fight or flight.
The young man is in a dark pink hoodie which contrasts with the otherwise cool, dark pallet of the scene.
In the sketch, Sloan, a gaunt werewolf with all the cuddly appeal of barbed wire, who you may be familiar with from your nightmares, climbs a grassy incline. On her somewhat lupine back (a definition that hinges on the idea that something terrible has happened to wolf kind) is Theo, a young man in his early twenties with a backpack and a desire to be in bed, but since he’s one of Sloan’s henchman, he’s always fresh out of luck, especially on the bed front; werewolves are not famed for their day time activities. Which is proven in this illustration as Sloan reaches a point in the journey where the morning sun has breached the mountains and thus bathes them both, from the shoulders up, in the heat of a new day. The golden light is a stark contrast from the dark bluish shadows they lurk out of and have been travelling through. Theo does not look impressed by it. Sloan gives the impression that she has seen it before, but will take advantage of the new visibility and survey their route.

I agree that there is a difference between causal and moral responsibility, I just think both can be influenced by mental illness by degrees of difference. We all agree that physical trauma to the brain and dementia can decrease culpability, psychotic states and mania belong there as well.


Porque no real, você tá fazendo o que se chama nexo causal do crime. Qualquer coisa de cunho ou motivação sexual com uma criança real gera nexo causal de crimes pedófilos. No fictício, não tem isso porque é uma arte. E expressão do ser humano para com arte é um direito humano.


Yes it generalises criminality to an entire nationality and bases this on dodgy stat work, which in itself is shocking. It also implies a causal relationship between nationality and criminality without providing evidence for such a link. Correlation does not imply causation.