I've been working on a story for several years. The people in this setting are in their paleolithic, but everything is made of nanomachines instead of cells so these synthetic cavemen hunt and wage war with crude firearms carved out of the bones of their ancestors and enemies.


The challenge is to choose 20 albums that greatly influenced you. One cover per day, for 20 days. No explanations, no reviews. Just covers. Day 20/20 🎧 #20AlbumCovers#MusicChallenge#CoverArt#HoodooGurus

Hoodoo Gurus Stoneage Romeos album cover depicting dinosaurs and cavemen

taking anti depressants can be fun. i put em in a mortar and pestle and grind it up like a caveman except i then put it in spaghetti. cavemen didnt have spaghetti which is why im superior.


Walking With Cavemen, First Man, etc my beloveds


We consider ourself a shining city on a hill but we are basically a cavernous void full of cavemen afraid of the sun.


I thought I could get away with just getting cavemen but no, I need to actually invest in economy to survive some of the tougher rounds


I don't think I'll ever play Pathfinder but this image does more to sell me on it than any snarky comment about WOTC ever could.

A map of the Pathfinder setting (it's west Euraia shaped around a wide horizontal central sea with an Africa continent just off the coast because it's a modern fantasy RPG).  From top to bottom, left to right:  It's Fucking Cold, Vikings, Russian Narnia, Cavemen, Demon Wasteland, Fuck Demons, Big Fucking Lake, Crumbled Empire (it got better), Ruins of Crumbled Empire, Orcs, Fantasy Transylvania, Conan vs Space Robots, Game of Thrones, Zombie Apocalypse, Sientology State, Build-A-Kingdom, Dragon Paradise, Ow the Edge, Fuck the USSR, Hobgobins, Uh-Oh, Elves, Vive La Revolution, Antifa, The USSR, Centrists, Money Money Money, Yohoho, Devil Fascist Empire, America Fuck Yeah, Camelot but Shitty, Mega New York, "Secret Assassin Island, AAAAAA, We Hate God, Elixir of Youth Exporters, Literally Egypt, Persia, It's Fucking Wet, I Bless The Rains Down In Africa, Arabian Niights, Yoyoyo (the second), Wizards, Steampunk, Scary Jungle, Fuck Colonists, and Necromancy Nation.

I sometimes think about the countless people born before the implementation of their specific fetish was technologically possible. How many cavemen felt a nameless, all-consuming ache they’d never understand, a hollowing in their heart, simply because they didn’t have.. whatever this is?


America won wars and became rich thanks to science yet we have GOP politicians and SCOTUS justices in power with the science literacy of cavemen, basically savages, before human civilization, as proven by their views on abortion and climate change.


“It was…uh…the mutant cavemen down there.”