Unlock the power of cayenne pepper! 🌶️💪 Learn 5 incredible health benefits and how this spice can boost your wellness. 🌿Watch the video:

Unlock the Power of Cayenne Pepper   5 Health Benefits You Need to Know!
Unlock the Power of Cayenne Pepper 5 Health Benefits You Need to Know!

YouTube video by Eng Hou Ng


I wish I knew about the power of cayenne pepper before I had my heart attack (over20 years ago now). Now I'm glad to use my experience and knowledge to help others who want it! #healthandwellness#cayennepepper#benefitsofcayenne

Holding a bowl of soup with cayenne pepper added -Benefits of cayenne pepper from coach x owner of Xcellent Solutions
Benefits of cayenne pepper from coach x owner of Xcellent Solutions - Used it on everything

Så bruker jeg jo syltet jalapenjo, chilisaus (siracha), chiliflak, cayennepepper og de der vanlige man kjøper i butikken, så jeg skjønner jo at chili er noe jeg burde holde på med.


Jeg putta for mye cayennepepper og tørka chili flak i maten og må nå ta konsekvensene av mine handlinger


Det er en liten fare for at vi brukte for mye cayennepepper Munnen sa ja magen sa nei Man lærer så lenge man lever


Here(the Netherlands) the spices are usually packed individually. The spicy parts usually comes from cayennepepper.


I mentioned a fruitlasagna recipe somewhere, and promised it to and others here might enjoy it to. It's vegetarian, can easily be made glutenfree if you use glutenfree lasagna sheets. For a vegan option, replace the cheeses with vegan cheese.


lasagna sheets
4-6 tomatoes
1 big white onion
4-5 cloves of garlic
1 yellow paprika
1 can of peaches
1 can of pineapple (on juice)
1 bananes (can be overripe)
2 balls of mozzarella
300gr of grated old gouda cheese (or similar cheese)
2 teaspoons of "sambal"(hot sauce/chili paste) OR (for less spicy) cayennepepper and cinnamon
oregano and/or basil to taste

carrots (cut au jullienne)
feta-cheese (as extra, or partial replacement of the mozzarella, especially when using the cayenne/cinnamon option)

Preheat the oven at 180C/350F
Cut all the veggies and fruits, and cook them slowly in a pan (start with onion, tomato, carrot, and go from hard to soft in order of adding to the pan) until it is "sauce-like". Either add the pineapple to the sauce, or keep it for layering of the lasagna. You can add a bit of the juice of the pineapple-can to the sauce. 
Look for the rest of the recipe in the second tweet!