Sorry #Centegix but the best thing for the industry to help with firearms incidents is to limit firearms period. Not our a band aid on it… Security technology credited with helping in Georgia school shooting - The Atlanta Journal-Constitution


amazing how many lives the CrisisAlert system, designed by Centegix (now available nationwide) saved. oh also the shooter's mom called the school a half hour before and warned them.


水曜にジョージア州にある高校で、14歳の男子生徒が銃を乱射し、生徒2人と教師2人を殺害、7人も撃たれて重傷を負った事件で、クラーク郡教育委員会CCSDはこの高校が導入している物と同じCentegix社の防犯ブザーシステムを配備しており、これが多くの命を救ったとCCSDは話した。 ブザーのボタンを1度押すと、助けが必要としている人の位置が分かるほか、何度も押すとホールド状態になり、自動的に学校全体がハードロックダウンする。以前は教師が教室の内線電話から事務所に電話をかけてハードロックダウンを要請しなければならなかった。


i keep reading about this, all this tech they're praising, and it's like, you know this will disproportionately punish poorer places that cannot afford this kind of tech and there are always going to be people who get tired of their doors auto locking and prop them open. ban the fucking guns!?

Staff alerted police through their ID cards

“The protocols in this school and this system activated today prevented this from being a much larger tragedy than what we had,” Hosey said.

One of those protocols included a safety measure adopted just one week ago.

“All of our teachers are armed with a form of an ID called Centegix,” Smith said Wednesday night. Centegix alerts law enforcement “after buttons are pressed on an ID and it alerts us that there is an active situation at the school for whatever reason and that was pressed.”

Centegix’s website says the tool has “dynamic digital mapping, real-time locating capabilities, an easy-to-use wearable panic button for school and district staff, a school visitor management system, and safe reunification capabilities enable educators to plan for and respond faster to emergencies.”

Several states, including Georgia, have introduced legislation for panic alarm systems, CNN has reported.
1 ., the Future of all Public schools, by Centegix   AI, which the teachers praises technology that protected students during shooting of Apalachee High School .


There are so many school shootings in this country that teachers have panic buttons on their IDs

The school’s faculty and staff are “heroes in the actions that they took,” Hosey said. “The protocols in this school and this system activated today prevented this from being a much larger tragedy than what we had.”

One of those protocols included a safety measure adopted just one week ago.

“All of our teachers are armed with a form of an ID called Centegix,” Smith said Wednesday night. Centegix alerts law enforcement “after buttons are pressed on an ID and it alerts us that there is an active situation at the school for whatever reason and that was pressed.”

Centegix’s website says the tool has “dynamic digital mapping, real-time locating capabilities, an easy-to-use wearable panic button for school and district staff, a school visitor management system, and safe reunification capabilities enable educators to plan for and respond faster to emergencies.”

An interesting detail: “All of our teachers are armed with a form of an ID called Centegix,” Smith said Wednesday night. Centegix alerts law enforcement “after buttons are pressed on an ID and it alerts us that there is an active situation at the school for whatever reason and that was pressed.”

New details emerge about the 14-year-old suspect and victims in the deadliest school shooting this year | CNN
New details emerge about the 14-year-old suspect and victims in the deadliest school shooting this year | CNN

Just weeks into the new school year, classrooms and hallways turned into scenes of carnage and horror as a mass shooter killed four people at Apalachee High School in Winder, Georgia.


Georgia High School Shooting Highlights National Gun Control Debate — A shooting at a school in Georgia resulted in 4 deaths and 9 injuries, sparking calls for gun control.