though i do desperately want to take a chance to share my favorite news blurb

screenshot of ESPN blurb entitled "Vancouver beauty queen pleads guilty":
Police had an easy time identifying one suspect in Vancouver's Stanley Cup riots: a former Miss Congeniality beauty pageant winner.

Sophie Laboissonniere, who was 20 during the June 2011 riots over the Canucks' loss in the National Hockey League finals, has pleaded guilty for rioting. She was not in court when her lawyer entered the plea Monday on her behalf.

She was among the first suspects charged after reports identified her as a Miss Congeniality winner at a Vancouver beauty pageant.

Laboissonniere was charged with participating in a riot and breaking and entering. David Baker, her lawyer, says she pleaded guilty to the riot charge, while the break-and-enter charge will be dropped. Details of her actions during the riot will come out at a sentencing hearing later this year.

a student residence charges 128 dollars for 1 month (a room and bathroom shared with another person) If I charge 5 dollars for each commission I should make 26 drawings every month. Damn... 😪


How old are you in internet years without telling your age? As a 12yo I mowed lawns for $10 apiece until I realized I could charge a lot more by going around to all the neighbours and fixing their computers. Reinstalling Windows pretty much always solved it


"nada de bom acontece comigo pq eu sou feio" é mentalidade de incel que acha que o mundo todo está contra ele e que todo mundo que nasceu com o queixo quadrado é culpado pelas mazelas e bundamolices dele. quem vive nessa mentalidade é como essa charge do Crumb:


Au moins, tu as des RdV rapides et ils ne laissent rien au hasard, ils vérifient tout ce qui est "douteux". C'est une bonne prise en charge, qui va te rassurer.


Cost to charge? $1 Batteries like Gogoro. If only there were Maeving battery swap stations everywhere up and down California!


Why not charge him when that number was closer to 1?


This came up in my FB memories and is still just as true today as it was 4 years ago.

In the mid-70s, Meryl Streep met with Dino De Laurentiis about her possibly playing "Dwan" in his remake of KING KONG. Not knowing she knew some Italian he asked the co-producer who suggested the meeting, "Chi è questa bestia? (Who is this beast?)" Below is the face he was seeing when he said that.

I think about this a lot as I watch movies where I wonder why certain decisions were made rather than the alternatives and sometimes the only answer is, "Because the person in charge was an idiot."

-looks over at Middle East- -looks over at Eastern Europe- -looks for women in charge- -wrinkles brow-


The USA forced a regime change in numerous nations, only to late invade and kill the person we put in charge. We've done this shit over and over. The USA has ZERO good intentions in the middle east 100% of the time when we overthrow governments we put a dictator in charge, we ONLY make things worse.