In #ChineseMythology, the Earth Sun Grass(地日草) grows in the south. The three-legged golden crow wants to descend and eat this grass, but its mother, the sun goddess Xihe, covers its eye with her hand. If the crow eats it, it will become lethargic and unable to move again. 1/2

地日草,南方有地日草。三足鳥欲下食此草,羲和之馭,以手掩烏目,食此則美悶不復動。東方朔言,為小兒時,井陷,墜至地下,數十年無所寄托。有人引之,令往此草中,隔紅泉不得渡,其人以一只屐,因乘泛紅泉,得至草處食之。 ~《酉陽雜俎 卷十九·廣動植類之四》

In #ChineseMythology, in the mystical Kunlun Mountains, the earthly capital of the Emperor, a unique ecosystem thrives amidst blazing fire and the deep waters of the Weak River. Here, birds, beasts, and plants flourish in the flames, giving birth to the legendary fire-resistant cloth. 1/2

崑崙之㠊,地首也,是惟帝之下都,故其外絕以弱水之深,又環以炎火之山。山上有鳥獸草木,皆生育滋長於炎火之中;故有「火澣布」,非此山草木之皮枲,則其鳥獸之毛也。漢世西域舊獻此布,中閒久絕。至魏初時,人疑其無有。文帝以為火性酷裂,無含生之氣,著之典論,明其不然之事,絕智者之聽。及明帝立,詔三公曰:「先帝昔著典論,不朽之格言,其刊石於廟門之外及太學,與『石經』並以永示來世。」至是,西域使人獻「火浣布」袈裟,於是刊滅此論,而天下笑之。 ~《 搜神記 第十三卷》

In #ChineseMythology, a phoenix has black bones, and the male and female sing differently at dawn and dusk. The Yellow Emperor ordered Ling Lun to create twelve pipes to imitate their sounds—one capturing the voice of the male, the other the call of the female. 1/3

🎨 符殊 鳳,骨黑,雄雌夕旦鳴各異。黃帝使伶倫制十二籥寫之,其雄聲,其雌音。樂有鳳凰臺,此鳳腳,下物如白石者。鳳有時來儀,候其所止處,掘深三尺,有圓石如卵,正白,服之安心神。~《酉陽雜俎/卷十六》

The Phoenix Brain Mushroom(鳳腦芝), as described in the 'Immortal Scripture,' is a mystical plant that grows from a treasure ring buried six feet underground and nurtured with yellow water. After three years, it produces colorful fruit, which, when consumed, turns saliva... 1/2 #ChineseMythology

《仙經》言,穿地六尺,以環寶一枚種之,灌以黃水五合,以土堅築之。三年,生苗如匏,實如桃,五色。名鳳腦芝。食其實,唾地為鳳,乘昇太極。出酉陽雜爼 🎨 Tong Zhengzong, Immortal, as Hidden Treasures from the Liu Hankun Family Collection

In #ChineseMythology, the Jade Rabbit is a moon-dwelling rabbit with fur as white as jade. Using a jade pestle, it grinds medicinal pills that grant immortality. Over time, the Jade Rabbit has become a symbol of the moon itself.

🎨 Hua Sanchuan

In #ChineseMythology, Chang'e, the wife of Hou Yi, fled to the Moon Palace after Peng Meng, Hou Yi’s corrupt apprentice, forced her to consume an immortality pill given to Hou Yi by the Queen Mother of the West. 1/2

🎨 Dai Dunbang

The Peach Banquet, a divine feast in #ChineseMythology, is held on the 3rd day of the 3rd lunar month to celebrate the Queen Mother of the West's birthday. She hosts a grand banquet, with peaches as the centerpiece, inviting all the deities to partake. 1/4

🎨《蟠桃仙會》 明 仇英
🎨 劉繼卣

In ancient Chinese mythology, Huaxu(華胥) was the female leader of the Huaxu State during ancient times in China. She is the mother of Fuxi and Nüwa, the direct ancestor of Yan Emperor and Yellow Emperor, and is regarded as the origin and mother of Chinese civilization. 1/2 #ChineseMythology


In #ChineseMythology, a kind-hearted deer goddess with a human face and a deer's body resided in a celestial cave upstream of the Yellow River. Hearing of a black dragon causing havoc downstream, she subdued it and made it her steed, ensuring the safety of both people and deer herds. 1/3

🎨 一只画画的蝉蜕 Story: 《鹿女降龍》