I’m not trying to read but this being mind blowing is because we don’t do music education in public schools anymore. If you take any two songs with the same time signature, this will happen. This is also why the best DJs know the circle of fifths and studied percussion.


"Most dramas will circle around the problem until they reach their core issue. Horror movies don’t – they seem to go for the jugular while the real issue might be shrouded in mystery until – gasp! – it is revealed, often gorily and always unforgivably visually. "

Six Damn Fine Degrees #126: The Horror
Six Damn Fine Degrees #126: The Horror

Welcome to Six Damn Fine Degrees. These instalments will be inspired by the idea of six degrees of separation in the loosest sense. The only rule: it connects – in some way – to the previous instal…


A still from The Simpsons. A circle of assorted Homers on outside on the lawn watching two other Homers with cooking pots on their heads crashing into each other. The caption below reads * BOTH GROWLING *

radial-gradient(circle, #E27D64, #CA5084, #ED049F, #895786)


BTW this is why NTM fanartists make imitation drawings when they're posting their thoughts on official works... And I think this is a quite unique and interesting phenomenon particularly in NTM circle 🤭


You got it. Also, I have used part of the product pict from the official website in that work. And in NTM circle, it's a common knowledge that we should try to avoid using official picts... (I'M BAD BAD)👉👈


Hello Sophie the Revelator here, local #HellSpawn#Trans#Genderqueer 💕😘

A Sigil for Sophie the Revelator, depicting a naked Woman with leathery wings, Rams Horns, shoulder length curly hair. Her body and left arm are being wrapped up by a feathered snake. Her necklace holds the ancient Sumerian sign for God. In her right hand she holds a burning flame. Nine stars burn in the Sky. Surrounding her in a circle are the words Revelation, Acceptance, Transformation and Revolution in Latin. In the north is a Great eye of Revelation, To the East hands of acceptance. To the South the Butterfly of Transformation, To the Right a Celtic spiral of Revolution.

Day 79: Gremlins Don't let em in the light, don't let em get wet, and no feeding after midnight That horrifying story of a christmas surprise turned tragic- not a movie for kiddos. Also, a very young Jonathan Banks, aka Mike Ermantraut

Poster for gremlins. White background with title in red at the top. A close up of gizmo standing in a white box, pushing the holed lid off of him. Gizmo is a mogwai in furry form. He has brown and white fur, white tracing his big belly up to his chin, and continuing past his nose to circle his left eye, while the right remains coated in brown. He also has white fur at the ends of his sleeves from which protrude stubby 3 fingered hands. He has wide leathery ears sticking out from the sides of his head. His brown eyes peer toward the right side of the frame. The whole poster is in a hand painted hyper-realistic style.

There's really only 3; circle, square, and triangle. Though if you want to get pedantic, a line also counts.