Dropped into the hellsite to catch up on the new Russia indictment; this was the cherry on top. Best community notes ever.

Three Year Letterman
@3 YearLetterman
I cannot breathe
Three Year Letterman
@3 YearLette..•5h •••
This Community Note will never be topped
Three Year Letterman • @3YearLett..• 13h •••
That's quite a word salad just to say your grandfather froze to death in the Ardennes
@ 26
© 2.7K
th 50K
soap enjoyer @henry21544•7h adolf turned your grandfather into soap, which he then used to wash his balls. how's that for a solution to the jew problem?
¿ Readers added context
Hitler could not have used soap to clean his
"balls" because he only had one testicle.
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Leniter Fortis & @LeniterFortis • 3h
Gross misuse of community notes.
i Readers added context
Community notes provide important context. For example, the writer of the above tweet has never lettered in shit.

The amount of mental gymnastics to validate Hitler in the replies of this turd of a post are truly impressive. Everything from "oh, citing CIA-CONTROLLED Wikipedia, are we?!" all the way to "OK, but he was still calling for peace!" Twitter is just a more aesthetically pleasing Stormfront.

A tweet by Elon Musk that reads: And @CommunityNotes for the win again

He is referring to a screenshot of a tweet by @martyrmade that reads: Hitler tried again, going on the radio to broadcast a call for peace directly to the British people. He would give back the parts of Poland that were not majority German, and would with with the other powers  to reach an acceptable solution to the Jewish Problem. He was ignored. /21

The community note below, in the same screenshot, reads: Grossly misleading. The tweet refers to the "appeal to reason" by Hitler in July 1940. By this time Hitler  had invaded two direct Allies of Britain, Poland and France, broken multiple treaties and Einsatzstaffeln were killing Jews, Poles and others.

Does this platform have #communitynotes?


Over the last two months, @CommunityNotes has been spammed with duplicate notes denying any connection between Project 2025 and Donald Trump. Thus far, the Community Notes algorithm has successfully prevented these spammy notes from being shown. More detail:

Community Notes and Project 2025
Community Notes and Project 2025

In which multiple users attempt to spam X's Community Notes fact-checking system with duplicate notes denying a connection between Project 2025 and Donald Trump


I hate this fucking man, and if you use anything that he owns you should look in the mirror and fucking question what actually matters. He is excusing and defending literal fucking white nationalist lynch mobs and race riots He is an EVIL and henous man and he should be fucking rejected by society.

Elon Musk
@elonmusk • 43m
Arrested for making comments on Facebook!
Is this Britain or the Soviet Union?
Is this accurate @CommunityNotes?
The Vigilant Fox
@VigilantFox • 4h
British Police: You've Made Some "Offensive" Comments on Facebook, and We're Here to Arrest You
After 3 young girls were brutally murdered, speech is the crime that police focus on....
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0:02 / 1:26
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Elon Musk
@elonmusk • 1h
Why aren't all communities protected in Britain? @Keir Starmer
Andy Ngô =
@MrAndyNgo • 16h
Just in:
Birmingham, England, Aug. 5 — Armed "Muslim patrol" members surrounded and attacked a pub after marching around the area looking for white right-wingers to attack. (The rumored "far-right" protest nev...
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Elon Musk ® @elonmusk
1:54 PM • Aug 6, 2024 • 66.3K Views
ila 6.3M

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