#horror#PressRelease#horrorcomics#comicbooks#TheRoad - #CormacMcCarthy - @AbramsComicArts - Acclaimed Cartoonist Manu Larcenet Adapts the Pulitzer Prize–winning Classic, Approved and Authorized by the National Book Award and...


If there is one novel so beautifully and vividly realised it does not require a comic book adaptation, that novel is The Road. However, this does look to be a magnificent effort by French cartoonist Manu Larcenet.

Cormac McCarthy's 'The Road' Is Now a Stunning and Grotesque Graphic Novel
Cormac McCarthy's 'The Road' Is Now a Stunning and Grotesque Graphic Novel

A new graphic novel brings Cormac McCarthy’s post-apocalyptic road trip to life. “I immediately was enthralled by the atmosphere it creates,” cartoonist Manu Larcenet tells Inverse.


Cormac Mccarthy - The Passenger and Stella Maris The story of Bobby Western, who specializes in underwater recovery and Alicia Western, his genius, paranoid schizophrenic sister. Good stuff right here, check it out. #BookSky#CormacMcCarthy#StellaMaris#ThePassenger


Holy shit Suttree, but having now read a total of seven #CormacMcCarthy novels am I putting him to rest a spell and onto the likes of Hemingway and Flannery O'Connor. Then I need to hit Ballard and hit him hard.


Thank you r/cormacmccarthy


From The Crossing, by #CormacMcCarthy

They quit the country and returned again in the spring. They had no money left. A seeress tried to warn them back. One of their own. He had weighed the woman's words, but he knew what she did not. That if a dream can tell the future it can also thwart that future. For God will not permit that we shall know what is to come. He is bound to no one that the world unfold just so upon its course and those who by some sorcery or by some dream might come to pierce the veil that lies so darkly over all that is before them may serve by just that vision to cause that God should wrench the world from its heading and set it upon another course altogether and then where stands the sorcerer? Where the dreamer and his dream? He paused that all might contemplate this. That he might contemplate it himself.

From The Crossing, by #CormacMcCarthy

He smiled. He smoked the last of the cigarette to an ash and let the ash fall into the fire and blew the smoke slowly after. He licked his thumb and wiped it on the knee of his trousers. He said that for men of the road the reality of things was always of consquence. He said that the strategist did not confuse his devices with the reality of the world for then what would become of him? El mentiroso debe primero saber la verdad, he said. De acuerdo?

From The Crossing, by #CormacMcCarthy

He nodded. He knew her well enough, this old woman of Mexico, her sons long dead in that blood and violence which her prayers and her prostrations seemed powerless to appease. Her frail form was a constant in that land, her silent anguishings. Beyond the church walls the night harbored a millennial dread panoplied in feathers and the scales of royal fish and if it yet fed upon the children still who could say what worse wastes of war and torment and despair the old woman's constancy might not have stayed, what direr histories yet against which could be counted at last nothing more than her small figure bent and mumbling, her crone's hands clutching her beads of fruitseed. Unmoving, austere, implacable. Before just such a God.