DE for Cornel West

🏳️‍🌈 #FreePalestine I'm migrating from Twitter. Looking for my people. #CornelWest2024 #Medicare4ALL #PrisonReform

Aine Branagh

Twitter refugee, here to crowdsource news/info, oppose war and stan for M4All, the GND, abolition, debt forgiveness and social justice. #CornelWest2024 🇵🇸

Christine M Hansen

Nutrition PhD, vegan cook, home birth advocate, follower of Jesus, social justice warrior, pacifist left, crazy cat lady #BLM #ACAB #CornelWest2024 #KillTheDuopoly #TaxTheRich

chaos agent in training

proletarian contrarian here to bully brands anti imperialist - including Russian and Chinese XD Critically supporting #CornelWest2024 Wish Biden would drop out

Frantz Fanon Jr

Medical Student, NYC, Anti War, Anti US Empire, Pro M4A. Views the world through the lens of the most vulnerable. Dr. West 2024 Campaign. #CornelWest2024

Progressive Puppet News #CornelWest2024

Hater of all MAGA's, both blue and red. Actual leftist. Actually care about human beings, universal healthcare, socialized housing and education, oh, and I think Elon should be dipped in boiling oil.