Cyril B est l'un des accusés qui menaçait régulièrement les journalistes au début du procès. Il est apparemment aussi à l'origine de plusieurs intimidations et agressions verbale sur plusieurs personnes du public venues en soutien à Gisèle P.

Il s'agit bien du même homme décrit comme <<< un garçon si naïf et gentil, le cœur sur la main >> par sa compagne, sa sœur et sa mère.

i hold out my fluffy sheep kiddo cyril !! he's just a little guy 🥺 #OCsky


Cyril Figgis 🥺💖


Hi, I am a hobbyist illustrator who enjoys drawing pieces that convey stories or just...little moments. I also like designing characters for fun! 🔗 🎨 ✉️

Digital illustration of Yone and K'sante
Digital illustration of Cramorant underwater
Digital illustration of the Pokemon characters from Unova in context of Pokemon Masters
Digital illustration of Claude and Cyril from FEW3H

HOLD UP ✋ Have you been cursed recently? Hexed perhaps? - anyway here's a silly faux ad I made a while back for my characters and Sea of Curses <3 I hope you like it ! 💙 [ #oc#art#ocartist#webcomic#seaofcurses ]

A digital poster styled like an old american magazine ad for some kind of medicine.

The ad features the artist Lurizon's original characters, Selene, Val, Hugo and Cyril, all looking particularly panicked as they zap Selene. The ad reads 
"Have you been cursed? Get curse diagnostics today!: Lucerne Island curse Research."

A side panel reads "We can diagnose curses such as: Bad Clairvoyance; Extremely Cold Hands; Leaking the Fear Water; Psychic Social Anxiety; Deleting Items on contact' Formerly human, now bug; Formerly bug, now human and So much more!"

Further text continues, "Since the advent of curses fifteen years ago, the Lucerne Curse Research Lab has been dedicated to studying the mechanics of magic, curses and witches. Whether storms of magic, elfritch sky terrors or malicious hexes and spells, our history and devotion to the science of our world makes us uniquely informed, empathetic and dedicated to finding out exactly what went wrong."

"Are you on fire, or perhaps constantly emitting an icy chill? Do you cause items to disappear when you stop touching them? Are you a cursed sea slug struggling to adapt to your new human body and the crushing pressures of taxes? We can probably maybe help. Contact us today and find out if you've been cursed!

Reposting some month old doodles of Cyril, Eddie and Vern 🍑🦍


It's time to pose as a WoL account on here while actually just not having pfp-worthy selfies to use or perhaps this selfie of Cyril will suffice


Cyril Linette : « Dans toutes les fédés et les ligues, il est extrêmement difficile de déloger le candidat sortant »

Cyril Linette : « Dans toutes les fédés et les ligues, il est extrêmement difficile de déloger le candidat sortant » (Foot)
Cyril Linette : « Dans toutes les fédés et les ligues, il est extrêmement difficile de déloger le candidat sortant » (Foot)