I've been itching to get some more modeling/texturing practice in, so I made this. It's based on a 1960s portable phonograph by Brionvega, an Italian electronics company that did some funky futuristic designs back in the day. Modeled it in Blender, textured it in Substance Painter. I learned a lot!

A blue and white phonograph (record player) with a clamshell design. The innards are cream-coloured, and the turntable is bright grey. A large white vent takes up one side of the case. There is a single speaker embedded in the upper half, pointing towards the outside.
A close up of the lower half of the device.
A view of the upper half. There is a kickstand here and a coiled speaker cable with a jack, secured by a small sleeve.

Today in design patents: D1045095 issued for an electronic device for fighting aging and degeneration. Very reminiscent of Star Trek. #DesignPatents


New Aircraft Cirrus Design Corp SR22 ✈️ flying in range of ChalonSurSaone receiver at 9000ft with tail N38GW ICAO code A4599C UnitedStates 📡


thats basically just muffin's normal design hehe


I was graphic design student. I love urban design. It's so cool. Nice colab 💚💙


O que mais me chocou não foi nem o Claude e sim a NAVIA! COMO ASSIM CÊ N GOSTA DO DESIGN DA NAVIA ^#>,!#^#*#^#?


Tive uma interação em um grupo em q falei um pouco sobre a minha xp com design system. E terminei de escrever pensando que deveria falar mais sobre isso Qual seria um bom canal? Eu fui Principal Software Engineer na Dell no time de Design System


redesigned my Sanae design #touhou

alternative fan design for Sanae Kochiya from Touhou project. she is a average height woman with light skin, golden eyes and long straight green hair tied at the tips with a ribbon. she holds a gohei with straight strands of paper and wears a blue dress with white sleeves sown, and brown boots. over her dress, she wears a parament similar to a stole.

Você teria coragem de profanar esse bichinho teria

Foto de um desenho de minha autoria do Digimon Bakumon. Bakumon é um digimon com formato de filhote de anta, elementos do seu design incluem um capacete e pernas posteriores de formadas por uma fumaça. O desenho foi feito de lápis e coberto com caneta que imita nanquim.

I've done that a few times. If you tip during the ride, the app still prompts you to tip at the end of the ride, making you think the tip didn't go through, but it did. You end up tipping twice. It's a crap design, but at least, in theory, it benefits the drivers and not Uber.