What debt deals with the IMF and World Bank do to countries in economic trouble


The government is drowning in debt. It is grasping at any straw to reduce the burden of its debt. The loans from the IMF are neither sustainable for the economy nor for the environment!


Extinction Rebellion Misiones showing us the incredible beauty of The Atlantic Forest in Misiones in Argentina. Also known as 'Selva Misionera' or 'Selva Paranaense', the area is one of the nation's 7 native forest regions. #DebtForClimate#DeudaXClima#DebtJustice#HonorSankara

A young woman stands in front of a waterfall. She presents a protest placard smilingly:
The debt is with mother earth.

Dorothy Guerrero opens the session by calling peoples movements to action in the lead up to COP28 and highlighting recent actions as part of the Global Fight to End Fossil Fuels.

Dorothy Guerrero speaking.

From the Bank of England in London to Marrakesh and beyond. It's the global day of action for debt, climate and economic justice. We're joining thousands of people to demand action to #CancelTheDebt#ClimateJustice#DebtJustice#DeudaXClima

2 people piling up sacks with the debt, that the global north has with the global south. Cancel debt is written on the table cloth. Other debt for climate banners in the background.
A woman is giving a speech. Debt for climate banners in the background.
Cancel the debt for climate justice. The global north owes a climate debt and it's 65 times greater than the globals debt repayments. A few extinction symbols around.
A group of people in front of the bank of England wir Banners and placards. 
Cancel global south debt. Global debt drives climate crisis. End debt apartheid.