🔷"Without democratisation, economic recovery is impossible," warns pro-Kurdish DEM Party's Sezai Temelli(@SezaiTemelli), as Turkey faces stagnation risks amid slowing growth and rising poverty. #DemParty#Democratisaion#EconomyRecovery

DEM Party’s Temelli warns of stagflation: Democracy key to Turkey’s economic recovery
DEM Party’s Temelli warns of stagflation: Democracy key to Turkey’s economic recovery

Sezai Temelli, an economist and deputy of the pro-Kurdish Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party), has warned that Turkey


🔷DEM MP Meral Danış Beştaş exposes severe solitary confinement and health crises at Dumlu prison in Erzurum (Erzirom), Turkey, during her recent visit. #DemParty#Erzurum#SolitaryConfinement


Medya News offers stories, commentaries, podcasts and videos on struggles of the Kurdish people and MENA region.


DemParty must scrupulously cross every “T” and dot every “I” as they work through an accelerated, truncated Nomination process. Now is probably a good time take deep breaths, and rejuvenate prior to mid-September—when KH and [Fill in the Blank] will go full-tilt into the final sprint. 🧘🏾


Ezra Klein assumes Black DemParty voters + young voters won’t be furious and sink the Dems if VP is passed over: “Imagine the intraparty battling if Democrats, after unwisely closing ranks around Biden, close ranks around Harris and lose to Trump.”

Opinion | Jim Clyburn Is Right About What Democrats Should Do Next
Opinion | Jim Clyburn Is Right About What Democrats Should Do Next

To find a new nominee, Democrats need to hold a real contest.


**Stares into the camera in ToldYaSo deadpan** “‘Biden has for too long been fooled by the value of Anita Dunn and her husband. They need to go … TODAY. The grifting is gross. It was political malpractice.’” — John Morgan, top DemParty donor.

Biden’s Family Tells Him to Keep Fighting as They Huddle at Camp David
Biden’s Family Tells Him to Keep Fighting as They Huddle at Camp David

President Biden is trying to figure out how to tamp down Democratic anxiety after last week’s disastrous debate performance.


Probably not a big deal: Biden keeps using Kid Gloves w Netanyahu…while Miriam Adelson of Nevada is pouring millions into a Support-Bibi-At-All-Costs-and-Eradicate-the-DemParty-ElectDJT operation. 🤷🏽‍♀️

The Pro-Israel Donor With a $100 Million Plan to Elect Trump
The Pro-Israel Donor With a $100 Million Plan to Elect Trump

Miriam Adelson long operated in the shadow of her powerful husband, Sheldon Adelson. Now, after his death, she is playing in politics as a solo practitioner for the first time.


Despite the government's large-scale cheating by importing voters into Kurdish regions to influence the election, and despite investing in HudaPar & KDP voices to emerge as an "alternative" by providing them with financial support & propaganda freedom, The winners turned out to be Kurds, #DEMParty.

Pro Kurdish DEM Party logo

The answer is: it doesn’t matter. The voters’ will is being ignored by the supermajority in fealty to DeSaster. He is term limited but FL DemParty needs to offer an actual good candidate for the Governorship for AT LEAST 4 terms in a row to START to undo what is happening. It will take time.