But that would make it impossible to recycle the same "racism is economic anxiety actually" hot take piece ad infinitum


@DailySabah: Global investors cautiously return to Chinese markets, encouraged by Beijing's recent economic stimulus measures, though many remain skeptical about immediate growth, with some suggesting to be taking selective positions


At SIEPR, we support scholars & students interested in better economic policy. In this ongoing series, people like Adrien Auclert – who once toyed with policymaking but ultimately chose academia – answer one question: Why Econ?


#ChinaStocks#CryptoInvesting#AIBoom#MarketRally#ETFs#XiPower China stocks just had their best day in 16 years! Economic stimulus ignites a 17% surge in the Shanghai Composite—leaving U.S. ETFs soaring! Is the global market ready for a China comeback?


As lit as the dock workers strike is, I fall short of being truly happy about it. Labor struggles in the US are not in solidarity with all workers, rather it seeks to maintain the economic superiority of american workers in service to western hegemony, ignoring international worker's struggles.


What we have is less an education system and more a pipeline to turn children into tools to further enrich the already-wealthy and to enforce status quo economic disparities.


Very excited to have delivering our 2024 Lansdowne Lecture on “Entitlements, Block Grants, Work Requirements, and the Safety Net: Evidence from the US in Times of Economic Crisis”. Open to the public! Join us in DTB A110 at UVic this Thursday at 7pm.


Maybe. Both groups aren't exactly in a strong position, might be that this is literally all they can muster in response between economic issues, having a newer president, and sending supplies to Russia.


@IrnaEnglish: Iran seeks stronger economic ties in Eurasian Economic Union


Important discussion in Monday's Georgia abortion decision about the "uncomfortable and usually unspoken subtext of involuntary servitude swirling about this debate," with citation to Michele Goodwin's work.

21 There is an uncomfortable and usually unspoken subtext of involuntary servitude swirling about this debate, symbolically illustrated by the composition of the legal teams in this case. It is generally men who promote and defend laws like the LIFE Act, the effect of which is to require only women -- and, given the socio-economic and demographic evidence presented at trial, primarily poor women, which means in Georgia primarily black and brown women -- to engage in compulsory labor, i.e., the carrying of a pregnancy to term at the Government’s behest. ... This is eerily reminiscent of earlier times about which insufficient discussion is had when reviewing the “history” of laws surrounding reproductive rights in the United States. See, e.g., Michele Goodwin, Involuntary Reproductive Servitude: Forced Pregnancy, Abortion, and the Thirteenth Amendment, 2022 The University of Chicago Legal Forum 191 (2022).