just elul thingsjust elul things


Doikayt, baby And L’shana tova to all of Jewish Bluesky. Even the Zionists. I hope that you are holding up a mirror to yourself this Elul as you are meant to do

Selfie of Anna in a Tahiti that says doykayt in Yiddish and other text seen is: Our home is everywhere we live… in solidarity with indigenous people

(3/) We’ll love each other fiercely: in the end there is no greater work that we can do. We who survive will help each other heal. Written (by yours truly) in Elul 5781 / 2021. I still stand by it, with all my heart.


Well, I'll try not to judge you for it. 😉 In seriousness though, I think the process of Elul is mostly about identifying what to work on in striving to repair the world - knowing what the work *is*, not completing the work. And I think this is a really good one.


I’ve banged this drum before, but as Elul comes to a close: some of the most sacred work you can undertake in this life is to realize that you were wrong, and to change your mind in the face of new information and new stores of empathy.


Welp, I think we know who wins Elul this year.


Poem of the day by Bob Rosenthal from *Here I Am*

I Slept Through Barchu by Bob Rosenthal

I slept through Barchu 
rose too late to even count 
and thought
now must be the final shofar blow
I keened my ears and 
heard the ram's horn blasting bouncing my way 
and beyond
as sound travels the forest 
it is heard but without direction 
this forest is somewhere between my heart and my head

the new year is a clearing 
where heart and head can make peace 
and hear the way clearer!
28 Elul

It is still Elul and all the ways to make teshuva in the face of this death and destruction feel so inadequate


As someone who has also lost the majority of her Shul community in Elul due to hatred and cowardice, sending the largest hug. Hashem should provide us with a spiritual salve this Tishri which will fill and heal the wound left by our people.


Last year, in Elul, I ran the accounts of my soul and found the area most lacking to be that I wasn't slow to anger. So I spent a year trying to reserve my judgment until I had more information, time, and was sure. It's still a project. It will always be. But I have noticed a huge change underneath.