JRPGs are so funny cause you'll start out and your first ever battle will be against a lowly enemy called something like LV.2 Loathsome Shit Rat and the music will be a 5 minute fucking banger rivaling what would be a final boss theme for most games out there. It will always be so entertaining to me


hmm, I guess the original anime plus End of Eva is more of a full artistic statement and a really remarkable work of art. Rebuild is more commercial and less challenging but really entertaining and creative. So if I had to pick, I'd go with the original.


Interesting enough they used the song "ghost" by Mnemic in the Italian trailer which this movie would be a lot more entertaining in Italian


Man, the refs took an otherwise entertaining game and just totally ruined it with a bunch of nonsense. Never change, NHL.


Exactly. And I agree with you 100 percent. If people need art on a budget, they can get creative. No need to shake hands with the AI devil, and no need to waste the time of artists by lowballing them (artists who could be spending that time entertaining serious offers).


that would at least be entertaining.


Don't usually jump on the 'Repost if you're not a catfish/ghost/insert entertaining imaginary construct here' trend, but this place is cool so I apologise for my face & me in advance 😘❤️


Are you a fan of post-apocalyptic stories? Characters that will leave you laughing, swearing, & shedding tears? Subversive Storytelling that will keep you on your toes? ⚙️🐲🐞 Death of a Timeline--releasing October 23--may be the book for you! The ebook preorder is now available:

A word cloud in the shape of an open book filled with ways beta readers described Dythoids: Death of a Timeline. Descriptions include:
Bittersweet, well developed, out of the box, emotional, creepy, futurist, entertaining, murdersome, sci-fi, wonderful, thrilling, adventurous, devastating, relatable, gripping, defies expectation, heart wrenching, daring, engaging, cool, young adult, new adult, smooth, suspenseful, hilarious, post-apocalyptic, fascinating, smooth, colorful, realistic, original.
The cover for Death of a Timeline by Courteney Levet. It is book 1 of the Dythoids series. The cover features burning red and orange embers in the background and teal beetles crawling across the foreground. The font of the title is white and crumbling.

This is some delicious garbage. A dumb fun horror flick that embraces all the entertaining tropes of the 80s.


I've watched and a few others, I've watched their views and likes compared to mine. Wiseacre is an amazing creator, I realize I'm not interesting and sometimes entertaining (maybe) but I have always strived to be honest and have integrity delivering news. I went from👇🏼