Gisèle actually hates being called “Warrior” of Light, and is referred to in universe as the Sorceress of Light instead. FFVIII was fictionalized in her universe as the Leonhart Romances, which she loves. But it’s about more than just aesthetics to her.

She took a deep breath, steadying herself, and reached for her wine. "I mislike the word 'warrior', Estinien. Mayhap it suits others, but for myself? I detest it. It feels rather like an ugly coat foisted upon me by a well meaning aunt at Starlight," Gisele said, after a long sip. "I know well what it means to Eorzea, the gratitude with which they have bestowed it, and thus I do not gainsay it. But it grates upon me all the same."
"You are an extraordinary healer, no doubt. But neither can any doubt the strength of your fury," Estinien mused. "I should know, having been on the end of it once. And you must admit, tis a passing strange sentiment to hear from the lips of the woman who but recently bested Zenos yae Galvus in single combat, even after he had subsumed himself within a Primal birthed from the Eyes of Nidhogg, no less. I served as a Temple Knight for fully half my life, and never have I met another soul who so commanded such disparate arts upon the field, much less with such skill and grace as you. Betimes I think you might even have made the finest dragoon Ishgard has ever known, if the Eye had but turned its gaze upon you."
Gisele shook her head, sighing, and fumbling in vain for words that she might make her intent clearer. "I thank you, Estinien, but you misunderstand me. Not since I was an apprentice in Kinloch Hold have I felt any manner of unease at wielding the power to destroy, alongside that of restoration. We had a saying in the Circle, that the mage who cannot hex cannot heal."
"Then why do you so detest the name of warrior?"
"That's just it-tis the name itself which grates upon mine ears. Words bear meaning, love. We were taught as such as babes in the Circle. I choose mine with care, or so I strive; as surely as I choose the silk which adorns me, or the carmine for mine lips. And
'Warrior', to me, conjures not the skill in battle you so admire, but the ax-slinging marauders and sellswords of Limsa Lominsa, all fury and raucous airs, who fight without cease. Make no mistake, I would not disparage their skill for anything. Nor would I ever deign dismiss the history and weight of such a title as Warrior of Light, not as a foreigner to this world-truly, I am humbled that Eorzea should think me worthy of the mantle of her greatest heroes, those who gave their lives to so protect her at Carteneau.
But I hear a hardness in that word 'warrior' which does not suit me, and discomfits me."
Estinien blinked. "It's the aesthetic of the word you mislike?"
...yes. Oh Estinien, I do not expect you to understand. I scarce understand it myself. Maker knows I am betimes a vain and flighty creature, and I cannot help it. But a 'Warrior' is hard, encased in an ironworks, and can never be hurt. And I hear in that the echoes of how I was treated in my homeland, where women like me were denied our maidenhood, rather viewed as naught but mules to be worked and abused, to thanklessly suffer the burdens of others and swallow our own with smiles upon our lips. We were strong, were we not? I do not like it."
"I would not mock you for such a belief, my love.
Even should I not wholly understand the sentiment behind it, still I understand the meaning of words and names, more than you might know. I myself shed the mantle of Azure Dragoon for a reason, for I came to despise what it meant to me. If 'Warrior of Light' should cause you a mere onze of the torment my former title came to cause me, then 1 shall never call you that again, and do not require a reason," Estinien said softly. He tilted her head back, to gently part her lips with his own, brushing his tongue lightly against hers in languid ardor and no small amount of reassurance.
She exhaled a sigh of relief, feeling some of the tension which had risen all unbidden in her muscles melt away. "Thank you, Estinien. That means a great deal to me," she said.
"Tis only right and fair. But... what would you prefer to be called?" he asked.
Gisele froze slightly, her eyes a bit wide. She supposed she should have expected it, for it was a natural inquiry to make, following such a confession.
Still, it startled her a bit nonetheless, and she thought on it for a long moment. Not because she doubted the answer; far from it. It was because, despite all his protestations to the contrary, her reasons for it were something he surely would mock, so prosaic was her beloved dragoon.
"Know you the Leonhart Romances?" she asked, with a tremor in her hands, her heart beating in her ears.
"I know of them, but not an onze more. They were quite popular among certain knights in the order, but such things are the province of more refined men than I," Estinien replied, somewhat wryly. "I was always too pre-occupied with swinging my spear to care overmuch for such tales. Americ has always adored them, though. Why do you ask?"
"Urianger introduced me to them, when first I joined the Scions. But they weave a tale of women with great power-an ancient line of sorceresses--and the knights who are sworn to protect them, powerful though they are. I devoured the first volume nearly in one sitting, so captivated I was. I was minded a great deal of the fanciful stories I read as a child in the Circle, of Orlesian chevaliers and the enchantresses who enthralled them without a single spell. The Leonhart Romances are much the same...filled with dashing knights devoted to women whom the world fears, who move the very heavens to protect and save them, such are their bonds born of intense love and devotion. I suppose these stories left quite the impression upon a young apprentice locked away in a gilded cage, for whom such romances were quite forbidden. The world feared me, for my magic-the Chantry instilled and fed that fear. The notion that a handsome knight may swear to always be at my side, even should all the world hate and despise meant something, and still does. Even the disagreeable Leonhart knight, who feared making himself vulnerable until he met his sorceress." Gisele snuggled back against Estinien. "Mayhap especially that one."

At the edge of the world... #ffxiv#gposers#ffxivsnaps

A gun breaker and white mage stand at the edge of the world, facing a common threat. With their weapons raised and Eorzea beneath them, they have nothing left to lose.

I made some encylopedia eorzea-style profiles for my WoL and her retainers~ #ffxiv#wol

Misede Tamareaux

Race (Clan): Elezen (Ishgardian)
Age: 31
Epithet: The Warrior of Light
Likes: Mammets, reading, sweet things
Dislikes: Ghosts


A veteran adventurer who is best known across the realm as
the Warrior of Light, who delivered the Star from destruction
time and time again. Though born in Ishgard, she was raised
by an ex-adventurer couple in East End, and from them she
found a love of travel, which she honours to this day by
seeking out those places her parents never got to see.
Despite her dedication to her duty as a hero, Misede's
past near drove her to villainy, as her parents' sudden
deaths led her to the study of necromancy, as she spent
her youth trying to bring them back. Very few know
the true lengths she went to in this pursuit, only that it
took averting the very Final Days for her to begin to see
herself worthy of the hero's mantle - so heavy is her guilt. A grandmaster of arcanima and Allagan magicks, she is a terrifying force to behold - unexpectedly so were you to meet the reserved, soft-spoken woman she can be off the battlefield.

Even more surprising, perhaps, is her secondary talent as a
goldsmith, which she often practises by crafting mammets in the
shape of those she has met on her travels.
Celus Duskbloom

Race (Clan): Elezen (Amdapori)
Age: 33 (?)
Epithet: Soul of the Harvest
Likes: Fishing, baking, cats
Dislikes: Heights, abandoned buildings


An Elezen who had once lived a White Mage of Amdapor at the time
of the Sixth Umbral Calamity. In the wake of the Great Flood,
he was enticed into allegience with the Ascians - used as a tool to
win over his younger sibling who had inherited the soul of one
of the Fourteen. Celus became disillusioned with their promises
of paradise when he learned that the Flood was part of their plan,
and through fortune and his low rank, his ties to the Ascians were
severed early in the Sixth Astral Era. He instead vowed to use his
newfound immortality to undo the damage his people had inflicted
and over the centuries became something of a mythological figure
in the fields of those who cultivate the land.

In the aftermath of the Seventh Umbral Calamity, Celus found
himself taking a young Lia Ward under his wing as he carried out
his duty, and her adventurous spirit would lead him to the Warrior
of Light, and the Scions. Despite his true nature as kin of their
enemy, the Scions would eventually welcome him as a steadfast ally,
for beneath his stern exterior lay a gentle and devoted soul, and
a master of his people's now-rare arcane arts.
Lia Ward

Race (Clan): Hyur (Midlander/Highlander)
Age: 21
Epithet: The Redeemed
Likes: Cute things, sparring, blue
Dislikes: Being caught flustered, being alone


A woman of twenty-one winters and many talents, who was at one
time famed as one of Gridania's most notorious thieves. At the age
of ten, her home in the West Shroud was destroyed in the Primal
Bahamut's rampage, and she found herself turning to banditry in
order to survive. Though self-taught to a high degree in the art of
subterfuge, her parents eventually discovered and disowned
her. Shortly afterwards, she found her partner-in-crime and
father figure Celus, and the two of them travelled as a duo
ever since. At fifteen, to escape imminent aprehsion for her crimes,
Lia faked her own death, and the pair travelled to Ul'dah, where
they took on jobs as the future Warrior of Light's retainers,
and lended their services to the Scions. No longer needing to
rely on dubious means to survive, Lia sought out more honest uses
for her talents.

Through varied stints with the rogues' guild, a group
of Doman Shinobi, and later a Turali Viper, Lia grew to be an expert
with dual blades, and can be seen as a frequent stand-in for the
Warrior of Light in the Grand Companies' friendly matches.
Possessed of the Echo as she is, some have even mistaken her for Eorzea's
hero - especially those in and associated with the Manderville family

She also bagged the biggest hottie in Eorzea


Z’Ech’s nameday is the 9th sun of the 3rd Astral Moon. His guardian is Thaliak, the Scholar. Started his Eorzea adventure in Uldah!


Hold on now, we gotta think about some things What kinda new and exciting shit they be making wings out of in Eorzea, we gotta know

a man in a white suit stands in front of a sign that says ' smack down '
a man in a white suit stands in front of a sign that says ' smack down '

Alt: a man in a white suit stands in front of smackdown LCDs "Now wait a minute playa"


imagine arriving to eorzea for the very first time and you're taken directly to balmung's qs #xiv


Cos people will actually see them now, some pics from the Eorzea cafe from this spring


Got back from vacation yesterday, but it was worth the long flight because of where I went. I'll post my item haul later.

Place mat form Eorzea Cafe in Akihabara

he's the youngest of four children and he was born in Sharlayan where is mother is a member of the forum and I have it that him and Koana and a cute little thing and he Koana NEARLY confessed but Basha'to was already on the boat to Eorzea at the time (he left in the middle of the night)