The jury's out: I think we need photo evidence...🤭


the thing about a HAARP believer (or someone similar, like a chemtrail believer) is that they're often *smart*. they're not dolts who reject science out of stupidity; they have very different starting axioms and standards of evidence. there are many professional deformations out there just as bad.


I hadn’t heard the term “welfare chauvinism” before but it sums up the new Flemish government’s approach of “Flemish people first” for benefits. As Bart Eeckhout says, this is unsupported by evidence and does the far right’s job for them. (translation in ALT)

This is how the governing parties want to silence the siren song of the far right. It’s more likely though that they will have the opposite effect. Because the government is legitimising not just anxiety among citizens but also the new central point of the far right’s programme: it’s ok to want to get rid of foreigners, it’s not because they are foreign but because they are weighing down our education, social security and housing markets (which they are not). It is just this toxic and deceitful alignment of xenophobia and concern for socioeconomic decline that is currently putting so much wind in the sails of the far right all across Europe.

Just wondering if possibly 'the internet' has expanded so much that there are still people doing that (maybe not on twitter but other places?), they're just a smaller % of all people-on-the-internet. I've no evidence either way tho


In the face of overwhelming scientific evidence this dull droning shitcanoe is pledging his sorry ass to the fossil fuel industry. Fuck my-Labour...

Screenshot of article from The Sun by Keir Starmer - "I will not sacrifice Great British industry to the drum-banging, finger-wagging Net Zero extremists...
If history has taught us anything — it’s that nothing worth pursuing is easy"

Editors note: Cunt

"shero" is such a small word to encompass the monumental greatness of this one courageous woman Judge rules public can view video evidence in French mass rape trial #Gisè


definitivamente uma forma de lidar com os problemas

Arlecchino feels sick, her stomach churning with nausea. She knew Sadie was sleeping with other people, of course. She's always known that. But seeing it written down like this, seeing the cold, hard evidence of it… It's too much. It's too fucking much.

She throws the diary across the room, watching as it hits the wall and falls to the floor. And then she turns to the box of sex toys, her hands shaking with rage.

She picks up a dildo, a massive, veiny thing that looks like it could split her in half. And for a moment, just a moment, she considers using it on herself, considers fucking herself with it until she can't think anymore, can't feel anymore.

He knows he can say whatever he wants. No one questions him or says 'thats not true'. No one says 'where's your evidence?' or 'where did you learn this?'. He is free to just say whatever he wants to. Windmills cause cancer. The election was stolen. A billion dollars was taken by Dems. It's all BS.


Need more evidence Queen Dani the Bent is a totally useless leader? Thousands of Alberta patients faced delayed care due to referral issues. #SmithIncompetant#DanielleDoesntCare


You've not convinced me that I need to be, I told the magistrate of life decisions. I don't care, he said, you needn't be convinced. Go back to your grim bed and weep unless you've got more evidence for me. And having none, I left the solemn bore to wonder why I burst into a cloud of red and […]