“Executive Function” feels like an oxymoron… I know a lot of executives and those fools barely do shit.


OpenAI’s chief executive Sam Altman argues that AI driven “superintelligence’ may be just a “few thousand days” - while behind the scenes he reportedly plans to turn the research organisation into a commercial company and take a 7% stake for himself.

The age of intelligence - or AI hype? - Openforum
The age of intelligence - or AI hype? - Openforum

OpenAI's chief executive Sam Altman argues that AI driven "superintelligence' may be just a "few thousand days" away while behind the scenes he reportedly plans to turn the research organisation into ...


Mingled with the "...from Hell" movies of course, where that roommate/nanny/executive assistant turns out to be an unstable life-stealing stalker. And whatever MOTHER'S BOYS was


Just to be clear, in case it wasn't, these groups aren't operating with big budgets or employees of any kind. No executive directors or grant officers. It's not that folks don't deserve a living for doing this, but that those things aren't a mark of seriousness or power or capacity


I relate as ADHD haver but I think it applies to everyone with executive dysfunction. I usually get like this when I'm very stressed but I don't really know your situation, so I hope it's manageable to at least some extent!


Thanks, it did go well! Happy to support the Family Counseling Center of Greater Washington celebrate 50 years of service! As well as my friend Dr. Chun Shin Taylor, the new executive director. Quite a time at the Ritz-Carlton in Tyson's!


Applebaum: "..a new political order,one in which the laws and norms that have insulated America from dictatorship slowly degrade."Imagine scores of Aileen Cannons in the judiciary with allegiance to the executive,Presidents refusing decisions of partisan justices.

The Judges Who Serve at Trump’s Pleasure
The Judges Who Serve at Trump’s Pleasure

The Founders abhorred a judiciary more loyal to the Crown than to the rule of law. But now the independent system they designed is under threat.


Meanwhile, my ADHD ass didn’t ever notice what the discount is bc actually claiming the rebate requires an unattainable level of executive function, even with the good drugs. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I see you sprung for the Executive Version. Wise boy.


This was the plot of Alfred Bester’s The Demolished Man. A business executive kills a rival, but telepaths exist, so to hide from them he goes to the advertising office of his company and asks for their catchiest unused ad jingle, hoping to block the mind-readers.