Hey there! Introducing myself as today's mod spotlight! I'm Hayse, the social media mod for the FE3H Genderfuckery Zine, here to get the word out about our zine to all you lovely folks! 🗨️Hayse asks: What does gender-affirming care look like in Fodlan? #fe3h#fireemblemzine

Mod profile for Hayse, the social media moderator and a discord mod for the Fe3H Genderfuckery Zine. This is laid out on what looks like a windows OS desktop interface, with a backdrop of purple-blue and muted pink and yellow boxes. His profile pic is a close-up of a brown and white tabby who looks dazed and confused. The caption reads: Not to self-diagnose but something is wrong

Name: Hayse

Pronouns: He/Him


Scientist by day, Fire Emblem enthusiast by night, I enjoy writing fanfiction, cosplaying, and participating in FE community events!


Emblemcon--social media manager
Mod Spotlight for Hayse.

Name: Hayse
Twitter: Secondprinces
Ao3: Secondprinces

Writing Sample:

Mirrors hold Grima's gaze, is another old saying.

 Every passing reflection--in mirrors, the glint in the angle of a sword, a ripple in an otherwise smooth pond--is Grima's stare locked onto your likeness. Linger too long and he will swallow you whole.

 But Robin has no reflection, and he has never seen his own face. Robin flinches as one hand rests on his shoulder and the other traces the line of his jaw. He can see Validar in the mirror, but not himself. He forces a chuckle and glances up at Validar.

 "Whatever you say, father." He catches a glint in Validar's eye in the candlelight. The reflection there is not himself, but of Grima. Six pairs of red eyes cut into pale cheekbones.

Contributor Apps are open until Sept 15 for all writers and artists interested in celebrating genderqueer expression in the FE3H universe! Check our carrd for more details and don't hesitate to ask any questions!

FE3H Genderfuckery Zine
FE3H Genderfuckery Zine

landing page for the zine


Today we introduce Will, our intern moderator on the FE3H Genderfuckery Zine Project! Come say hello! 🗨️Will asks for your favorite nonbinary or agender headcanons--especially ones involving the Black Eagles! Comment below to respond! #fireemblem#fe3h#fireemblem3houses#fireemblemzine

The mod profile for Will, our intern moderator. The background is a deep purple-blue, and text is confined in muted yellow boxes that resemble window OS windows. Will's profile pic is framed by an MS paint interface and features an anime girl with long black hair and black-framed glasses.

Text Reads:

mod spotlight

Pronouns: [they/he/it]


Twitter: dreamsinstarlight9
AO3: dreamsinstarlight


Will is a queer writer (both original and fan works) who enjoys dabbling in zines!
The mod spotlight for Will reads as follows


Twitter: dreamsinstarlight9
AO3: dreamsinstarlight

Writing Sample:

A gray world surrounded her as the sound of swords clashing and blasts overwhelmed her body. Marianne felt totally and utterly engulfed in a flame intent on turning bones whole into ash and dust. Rapidly, her body sought to flee, somewhere; anywhere but here.

Whizzing past the broken torrents and towards the towering pines, she searched for a place to stop. Trekking through the wooded region she soon spotted a pond nearby that stared longingly at Marianne as she walked over to place rugged hands into and gently sift through the shallow seeming water.

A school of fish brushed against her fingers as though they were giving them a kiss, one by one.

Introducing the first member of our FE3H Genderfuckery Zine Mod Team-- Please welcome Moss, our layout moderator! 🗨️Moss asks for your headcanons on the WEIRDEST ways your favs affirm their gender! Comment below to respond! #FE3H#Fe3Houses#FireEmblemZine

Moss's moderator profile, on a layout mimicking a windows os interface in a muted pallette of pinks, oranges, and purples. 

Text reads:
Pronouns: [they/them][it/its]
I'm moss!

I'm a gender enthusiast and I like to headcanon all my faves as some flavor of genderqueer. I'm really excited to work on a project that increases transgender art in my favorite fandom!


freed spirit: hapi zine
mockingbird: yuri zine
fire emblem theatre zine
unrivaled: few3h zine

Their profile photo features Constance from the Ashen Wolves sipping tea, framed by an MS Paint window.
Mod Spotlight, featuring moss's socials (tumblr: wild-moss-art; twitter: wild_moss_art) and art they've drawn. The art is a digital painting of Constance and Hapi. Kneeling, Hapi takes Constance's hand. They're positioned against a backdrop of white, blue, pink that mimics the sea and the sky.