A question on #Flats #FirePrevention tabled by Shockat Adam on 10-09-2024 has been answered by Rushanara Ali.


ATTENTION ARTISTS⚠️ show off your art style!🎨 tag other artists!✨ umm my style is cutesy/pretty with soft flowy shapes. I usually color just flats w/ accent shading bc I'm lazy & call it my "style" ;)


Will have to look into it. A quick google shows lots of councils are doing it and if it means flats in town centres rather than cowpat estates that's a good thing. Although some councils will no doubt be too scared politically to do it.


Today, This land is our land: a Blue Beetle story is out for @dcofficial . Such a fantastic journey and a meaningful project I’m so proud to be a part of with rest of the team @JulioAnta @jacobysalcedo Hassoe Courtney Jordan!Huge thanks @faureiana and @PozzaAgnese for the flats.


Wear high waisted pants, a long shirt and coat, flats and at least three pairs of panties


I’m moving flats! So I have two weeks to work out how to replicate the exact conditions of moisture and light so she doesn’t throw a tantrum at the new place 😅 and I know, this is three years of happy flourishing from when I originally got her!



Staircase, Hampton Road Flats 1952 Eric Lyons & Partners

A black and white photograph of the ironwork staircse inside the entrace of flats on Hampton Road

CABINET!!! Finally got this finished after working on it off & on all day! Top shelf has my leucistic Texas ratsnake; second shelf has my scaleless masque corn snake; the rest is storage for assorted reptile supplies like spare water dishes, hides, cork flats, fake foliage, etc.

Photo of a grey-brown wooden cabinet. The top two shelves each have a large "critter keeper" type reptile tub set up for colubrid neonates and blue-white LED strip lighting. The third row down is a pair of drawers, and the bottom half has double doors. Not seen: the inner shelf in the bottom section. The cabinet is just shy of five feet tall by two feet wide by one foot deep. It stands against a robin's egg blue wall next to a 4 foot by 2 foot by 2 foot black PVC terrarium on a metal aquarium stand.

I'm the same -- commissions take me a very long time because there's extra research and considerations in place, but my own comics and illustrations are a lot quicker! ...Unless I'm doing assistant work like BG or flats, then I've def made that faster to be able to do enough of it on time.