I also have these #LoneWolf#FlightFromTheDark#FireOnTheWater#ZXSpectrum games back in1984but they were just the tapes,no box or book. So it was nice to get these. The books haven't been touched&are in perfect mint condition.


The path that finally led me to a successful completion of #FireOnTheWater#FlightFromTheDark took. (10/x)


My thoughts on/review of Lone Wolf Book 1: #FlightFromTheDark (a thread) First, just some basic numbers-- FFTD consists of 350 individually numbered sections, of which my story path encompassed 61, meaning that I read appx 17% of the book. (1/x)


#FlightFromTheDark Session 7 I am at the outskirts of Holmgard, capital city of Sommerlund, continuing to evade pursuers. But Darklords' minions have cut down one of the King's men and I cannot stand idly by. To battle! 75 > 260

If you wish to help the ranger, turn to 260.
If you wish to stay hidden and drift downstream, turn to 163.

#FlightFromTheDark Session 6 Loading up my saved game at Section 176. I'm still pretty badly wounded from my last combat, but I am pretty close to my destination, the city of Holmgard. In order to hopefully avoid my pursuers, I'm going to travel thru the woods for now. EP = 7/23 176 > 126

Illustration of a Giak mounted on a Doomwolf (giant wolf) and carrying a spear (by Gary Chalk)
If you wish to attack the remaining Doomwolves and their rider, turn to 253.
If you wish to press on deeper into the forest, turn to 126.

#FlightFromTheDark Session 5 I've got some time to kill and this is probably the only chance I'll get to play today, so I'm loading up my saved game with Section 81. I've come to a road and have spotted the King's Guard. I need to get to the capital, so I'm going to call out to them. 81 > 183

Illustration of a rider with a lance on horseback (by Gary Chalk)
If you wish to call to them, turn to 183.
If you would rather continue along the forest edge towards the south, turn to 200.

#FlightFromTheDark Session 4 Loading the saved game at Section 331. Fleeing from the minions of the Darklords, I come across the entrance to a tunnel. I know that some of my pursuers are airborne so I want to stay concealed whenever possible. I enter the tunnel. EP = 19/23 331 > 170

The entrance to a tunnel surrounded by gnarled tree roots (illustration by Gary Chalk)
If you wish to enter the tunnel, turn to 170.
If you would prefer to climb the hillside, turn to 280.

#FlightFromTheDark Session 3 I've got about 45 minutes to kill, so I'll tackle some more of Lone Wolf Book 1. Loading my saved game and I'm in Section 19. Fleeing from the minions of the Darklords who destroyed the Kai monastery, my way is blocked by poisonous briars.


So now I'm on Section 1 of #FlightFromTheDark and I'm loading up my saved game. With the Kai Lords wiped out, the kingdom of Sommerlund has lost its first line of defense against the invasion by the Darklords. I have to reach Sommerlund's capital, Holmgard.

Map of Sommerlund showing the Kai Monastery and Holmgard