Testified virtually today at NYC Council Hospital Committee budget hearing to urge the city to provide funding for free masks & tests & fund bill Int 0332-2024! And to do everything they can to require masks in healthcare & NYC H+H and other COVID prevention efforts! #FreeN95s#KeepMasksInHealthcare


Apparently you can get free masks if you visit the White House too. They should provide free masks to everyone across the country! #FreeN95s


NYC, there's an important NYC Council COVID hearing this Wed, Oct 4! If you want NYC government to do more on COVID prevention, please testify and urge NYC officials to take action! Sign-up to testify virtually, in person &/or by writing: #FreeN95s #KeepMasksInHealthcare

Blue background and yellow and black words - Testify at the NYC Council COVID Hearing - Wednesday, October 4, 10AM. Participate virtually, in person, or by writing • Support the free mask bill (Int 1020-2023) • Urge NYC to reinstate mask requirements in healthcare • Call for stronger COVID prevention efforts Sign up to testify here: COVID Advocacy NY

In addition, you can email HHS and urge them to provide #FreeN95s masks to the public.


Urge the White House and Congress to Provide Free N95 Masks to the Public! Send an email here: #FreeN95s #BringBackMasks @COVID_Advocacy


If you live in NYC, please write your Council Member below & urge them to co-sponsor Int 1020-2023, which would provide access to free masks, other PPE, & rapid tests through the mail! Hoping to get this bill passed & ensure everyone can access #FreeN95s masks!


Here's the link from the tweet:

@COVIDAdvocacyNY on Twitter 
ACTION: NYC, there's an important new bill that would provide access to free masks, other PPE, & rapid tests through the mail! Please call & email your NYC Council Members & urge them to co-sponsor Int 1020-2023! #FreeN95s

Great news: Free KN95 masks are now available from public health vending machines in NYC. Not everyone can afford to buy high quality masks. If we want more people to wear them, they should be available for free everywhere. Having them in public health vending machines in NYC is a great first step!

Thank you @nycHealthy for working to get #FreeN95s and KN95 masks into the public health vending machines! We have been reaching out to DOHMH urging them to add free masks and they have responded they hope to incorporate masks in the machine in the immediate future!
Today we launched NYC’s first public health vending machine. Located in Brooklyn and hosted by @sus_org, the machine provides 24/7 access to free, lifesaving harm reduction supplies, including naloxone.