「ニューヨーク・タイムズ紙によると、米政府高官は数カ月前からイスラエル軍に対し、精度が高いという理由で、大型爆弾ではなくGBU39を使用するよう促してきた。民間人の巻き添えを防ぐためだが、軍事専門家は「市民がいる場所を意図的に狙い続けている」とし、犠牲を避ける効果はないとの考えを示した」 ガザ学校空爆で米製爆弾使用 兵器専門家分析と報道

ガザ学校空爆で米製爆弾使用 兵器専門家分析と報道
ガザ学校空爆で米製爆弾使用 兵器専門家分析と報道

【ワシントン共同】7日付米紙ワシントン・ポストは、6日に子どもや女性を含む40人が死亡したパレスチナ自治区ガザ中部ヌセイラトの学校空爆で、イスラエル軍戦闘機が米国製の精密誘導爆弾を使ったとみられると ...


John Berger on the art of Palestinean sculptor Randa Mdah. He wrote this all the way back in 2009 and it is still too recent to capture the scale of the horror. Free Palestine.

Relevant text: Gaza, the largest prison in the world, is being transformed into an abattoir. The word 'Strip' (from Gaza Strip) is being drenched with blood, as happened sixty-five years ago to the word 'ghetto'.
Day and night, bombs, shells, GBU39 radioactive arms, and machine-gun rounds are being fired by the Israeli Defense Forces from air, sea, and land against a civilian population of one and a half million. The estimated number of mutilated and dead increases with each news report from international journalists, all of whom are (continued in next image)
forbidden by Israel to enter the Strip. Yet the crucial figure is that for a single Israeli casualty, there are one hundred Palestinian casualties.
One Israeli life is worth a hundred Palestinian lives. The implications of this assumption are constantly reiterated by Israeli spokesmen in order to make them acceptable and normal. The massacre will soon be followed by pestilence; most lodgings have neither water nor elec-tricity, the hospitals lack doctors, medicines, and generators. The massacre follows a blockage and siege.
More and more voices across the world are raised in protest. But the governments of the rich, with their world media and their proud possession of nuclear weapons, reassure Israel that a blind eye will be cast on what its defence forces are perpetrating.
'A place weeping enters our sleep, wrote the Kurdish poet Bejan Matur, a place weeping enters our sleep and never leaves.
Nothing but landswept earth