It feels notable how analogous this is to geoengineering, which is similarly offered up not as part of mitigation strategies, but rather as the magical, ultra-powerful cavalry to make up for the inevitable and total failure of mitigation efforts


Last week's Skeptical Science New Research compilation includes 174 articles in 64 journals by 967 contributing authors spanning a wide variety of topics. Also included are some featured open access papers as well as NGO-and government reports.

Screenshot of a part of the Skeptical Science New Research for Week #40 2024, shown are just the first two topics out of these:
Included cateogries:

- Physical science of climate change, effects
- Observations of climate change, effects
- Instrumentation & observational methods of climate change, effects
- Modeling, simulation & projection of climate change, effects
- Advancement of climate & climate effects modeling, simulation & projection
- Paleoclimate & paleogeochemistry
- Biology & climate change, related geochemistry
- GHG sources & sinks, flux, related geochemistry
- CO2 capture, sequestration science & engineering
- Decarbonization
- Geoengineering climate
- Black carbon
- Aerosols
- Climate change communications & cognition
- Agronomy, animal husbundry, food production & climate change
- Hydrology, hydrometeorology & climate change
- Climate change economics
- Climate change mitigation public policy research
- Climate change adaptation & adaptation public policy research ...

In den USA ist es schon so weit Der Regierung wird vorgeworfen den Sturm „Helene“ ĂŒber Geoengineering erzeugt zu haben, um den Lithiumabbau zu fördern. Wann hören wir solche VorwĂŒrfe zur Energiewende? Erstaunlich, was AnhĂ€ngern fossiler Brennstoffe so einfĂ€llt.

White House blasts false claims about Hurricane Helene and relief aid
White House blasts false claims about Hurricane Helene and relief aid

Statement comes as president urges Congress to pass disaster-relief package as costs soar amid devastation


Sunday at 10am PT on Climate Chat: "The Geopolitics of Geoengineering" with Cynthia Scharf of the International Center for Future Generations. We'll discuss how to implement governance of SRM.


Sir, what "geoengineering" is going to reduce the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere? There are real, laws of physics level constraints here, and we *know* the answers to the problems, we just do not have a political system that lets us do it.


1) I’m not in geoengineering, but I am in water engineering, and I can tell you we’re making strides on wastewater reuse and have gone a long way towards solving water scarcity. It’s not wizardry. 2) I’m not a kumbaya guy, and I hate the West Wing now (liked it then). 1/2


I have two thoughts on this: 1. Via geoengineering, I hope some of our fuckedness can be unfucked even if we pass tipping points. And more philosophically: 2. Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light.


But yeah, to respond directly, probably not before we hit a tipping point on climate, at least not one that won’t require adaptation/migration and geoengineering we haven’t invented yet to blunt. If the question you’re posing is “is this all really, really fucking bad” the answer is “yes.”


I'd nearly forgotten that Tennessee recently took actual legislative action to ban "chemtrails," the GOP is so fully ideologically captured by the Art Bell types that "Democrats are geoengineering hurricanes to do red state genocide" will be in the party platform by 2026


this makes me double cringe bc I research solar geoengineering which is not weather control but some of which can easily lend itself to those conspiracies and stuff like this is going to make the work much more difficult to communicate about