The wind today was so invigorating. I walked as far out to the ocean at low tide as I could to feel the ocean spray, the wind and recharge. Standing there I opened my arms wide and felt the force of the wind. It was pure bliss. Plus I found a few more “treasures” for my installation. #Maine

Mud and sand glimmer in the light as clam shrlls(white) and rocks are on it. A piece of a glass bottle: the neck of it lies.
3 glass bottles with stains from the ocean are on a gray porch with a window in the background.

45. Sonic X Shadow Genetations: Dark Beginnings It's nice to have a glimmer of how Shadow was pre-flanderization again


ポロシャツ メンズ レディース 半袖 無地 glimmer ドライポロシャツ 00302-ADP 送料無料 男女兼用 ユニセックス SS S M L LL XL 黒 ブラック 白 ホワイト 青 ブルー 緑 グリーン ネイビー グレー 父の日 仕事 ビズポロ 吸汗 速乾 シンプル 制服 8


got my Glimmer of Focus drop from ZM rares today so I have cool lil pal : ) tomorrow morning I'll have mount crafting unlocked and I'll be TRULY Zerith-Mortis-pilled #worldofwarcraft


My kitty Glimmer agrees

A tabby and white cat cuddles on the stomach/chest of a masc person

Happy #caturday to Glimmer and Jupiter. You can almost hear the dial up noises as these two try to form thoughts lmao.

A tabby and white cat sits on a computer console, staring into the void. An orange cat sits beside him on the ground and stares into the void with him.

I love the surprise matching glimmer of your nail polish.


I LOATHE that lowlife piece of garbage. I never use the R word but I just did a moment ago... He is mentally retarded, emotionally retarded and he wants to make everyone near him, exactly the same. . . a loathsome creature that stomps on any glimmer of hope. JFC.. could he just STOP breathing? 🤬🤬


The Pastorals of Virgil, Eclogue I: The Shepherd chases away a wolf

In 1820, Blake was commissioned to illustrate a new edition of The Pastorals of Virgil, published as a school text, which included commentary by Dr. Robert John Thornton on the famous poem from the 1st century BC. Blake’s seventeen wood engravings became tremendously influential to the Ancients. Samuel Palmer (also in this gallery) wrote of these wood engravings: "They are visions of little dells, and nooks, and corners of Paradise; models of the exquisitest [sic] pitch of intense poetry... There is
in all such a mystic and dreamy glimmer as penetrates and kindles the inmost [sic] soul." Despite Palmer’s poetic description, Blake’s wood engravings were not images of an unchanging paradise. Instead, they record an evershifting and often ambiguous relationship between the artist and his environment. They describe a landscape of Blake’s imagination---a wellspring of dreams and artistic
inspiration, yet simultaneously a land of doubts and shadows, sweet delusions and unformed hopes.

I'm holding out a tiny glimmer of hope that once it's on the verge of bankruptcy - or flatly bankrupt - someone with more sense will snap it up in a fire sale and get rid of Musk's changes. Mark Cuban has been mentioned a few times.