relendo uns trechos da crítica do programa de gotha a ideia de vouchers de trabalho me parece extremamente ruim, mas acho que é pq naquela época n tinhamos chegado nem perto da pós-escassez como chegamos hoje


Gotha, Halle und Wolfenbüttel vergeben erneut gemeinsames Stipendium für 2025 an eine*n exzellent promovierte*n Wissenschaftler*in aus dem ostmitteleuropäischen Raum. Bewerbungen sind noch bis zum 31. Oktober 2024 möglich.

Gotha, Halle und Wolfenbüttel schreiben erneut gemeinsames Stipendium aus
Gotha, Halle und Wolfenbüttel schreiben erneut gemeinsames Stipendium aus

Erneut vergeben das Forschungszentrum Gotha der Universität Erfurt, die Franckeschen Stiftungen zu Halle und die Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel für das Jahr 2025 ein dreimonatiges Stipendium an...


The Gotha Missal: Fol. 94v, Text

This elegant Latin manuscript is known today as The Gotha Missal after its eighteenth-century owners, the German Dukes of Gotha. The volume was originally copied and illuminated in Paris around 1375 -- a commission of the Valois king, Charles V "the Wise" (1364-1380), one of the great bibliophiles of the fifteenth century and brother of Dukes Philip the Bold of Burgundy and Jean de Berry. Manuscript missals were not intended for the lay user, but rather for the use of the celebrant at Mass. The present volume was therefore meant to be used by the king's private chaplain and was probably housed in Charles's private chapel, possibly in his principle residence, the Palace of the Louvre (demolished in the sixteenth century). The main decorative body of the missal consists of two full-page miniatures comprising the Canon of the Mass and twenty-three small miniatures. The style and high quality of the decoration points to its inclusion withing a select group of manuscripts accepted today as from the hand of Jean Bondol. Bondol was active at the court of Charles V from 1368 until 1381 where he headed the court workshop and also served as the king's valet de chambre. The blind-tooled leather binding dates to the fifteenth century.

The Gotha Missal: Fol. 137v, Text

This elegant Latin manuscript is known today as The Gotha Missal after its eighteenth-century owners, the German Dukes of Gotha. The volume was originally copied and illuminated in Paris around 1375 -- a commission of the Valois king, Charles V "the Wise" (1364-1380), one of the great bibliophiles of the fifteenth century and brother of Dukes Philip the Bold of Burgundy and Jean de Berry. Manuscript missals were not intended for the lay user, but rather for the use of the celebrant at Mass. The present volume was therefore meant to be used by the king's private chaplain and was probably housed in Charles's private chapel, possibly in his principle residence, the Palace of the Louvre (demolished in the sixteenth century). The main decorative body of the missal consists of two full-page miniatures comprising the Canon of the Mass and twenty-three small miniatures. The style and high quality of the decoration points to its inclusion withing a select group of manuscripts accepted today as from the hand of Jean Bondol. Bondol was active at the court of Charles V from 1368 until 1381 where he headed the court workshop and also served as the king's valet de chambre. The blind-tooled leather binding dates to the fifteenth century.

🗓️ Vortrag „… elende Scherben und Steinplatten, während die Welt in allen Fugen kracht. Der Orient des Kaisers” von Matthias Steinbach an der Forschungsbibliothek Gotha

„… elende Scherben und Steinplatten, während die Welt in allen Fugen kracht. Der Orient des Kaisers”
„… elende Scherben und Steinplatten, während die Welt in allen Fugen kracht. Der Orient des Kaisers”

Vortrag zur Ausstellung „Der Orient in Gotha“


Tagber: 400. Geburtstag des Äthiopisten und Universalgelehrten Hiob Ludolf (1624–1704) Gotha, 15.06.2024, Forschungszentrum Gotha der Universität Erfurt


lol if "german guilt" is your best chance to change the tide on this thing, you're in for quite a fuckening

wiki article on the hindenburg and its role in ferrying nazis to the london coronation of george and elizabeth coburg saxe-gotha
wiki article on the bellamy salute. basically the sieg heil.  picture includes kids in a u s classroom sieg heiling the flag in 1941
article on general motors receiving the order of the eagle from hitler in 1938 for their part in the nazi war effort
wiki article on Julius Goldstein who along with Peter Gingold sued the bushes and america for how much money they made from auschwitz and the outright u s theft of that Hungarian gold train.  case dismissed on the basis the u.s can't be held responsibility for their territory because they did not claim it, indicating the third reich as a legal u.s territory in doing so

Here’s the painting and label from the highly-recommended Edinburgh show. As others have said, it includes the view from Lavery’s studio window in South Kensington, during an aerial battle in 1917.

Gallery label text: Daylight Raid from my
Studio Window, 7 July 1917, 1917
Oil on canvas
In June 1917, German planes hit military targets at the mouth of the river Thames, and fears for the capital grew. A month later, 21 Gotha aircraft appeared over north London. The ensuing dogfight was clearly visible from Lavery's studio in 5 Cromwell Place.
The window is wide open, allowing the sounds of combat to drift across the cloudless sky. Hazel, bathed in light, appears transfixed by the aerial battle.
Courtesy of the Board of Trustees of National Museums NI
Painting by Sir John Lavery
Daylight Raid from my
Studio Window, 7 July 1917, 1917
Oil on canvas
In June 1917, German planes hit military targets at the mouth of the river Thames, and fears for the capital grew. A month later, 21 Gotha aircraft appeared over north London. The ensuing dogfight was clearly visible from Lavery's studio in 5 Cromwell Place.
The window is wide open, allowing the sounds of combat to drift across the cloudless sky. Hazel, bathed in light, appears transfixed by the aerial battle.
Courtesy of the Board of Trustees of National Museums

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