We’re getting ready for the plenary sessions at the LVK meeting 🤩 Also trying to figure out what I want to say for my poster sparkler… and we’ve just got 30 seconds! 💥 #GravitationalWaves

Image of an empty conference room with screens for presentation lit up with the conference logo.

Attending an LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA meeting in-person for the first time! 🤩 Super excited to put some faces to the names I know + see how tall folks are 🤣 #GravitationalWaves

A foyer filled with people mingling during a coffee break.

Starting this morning at GEMMA2 with a talk by Paulo Freire on NGC 1851E: a binary system in a globular cluster millisecond pulsar + mass gap object ✨ Spotted an iconic plot 😎 #GravitationalWaves#Pulsars#GEMMA2Workshop


Spotted! My infographic at GEMMA2 🤩 Always love seeing folks use my graphics for presentations + scicomm 🩵 #GravitationalWaves#Astrophysics#GEMMA2Workshop#SciComm

A person presenting some slides to an audience in a lecture room.

When in Rome… you do science! ✨ But you also see the sights 😍 Attending the GEMMA2 workshop this week! Excited for this multidisciplinary workshop with topics ranging from #GravitationalWaves#DarkMatter#GEMMA2#Astrophysics

Image of the Trevi fountain
Image of the colosseum

New research from Monash Astrophysicists shows how next-gen gravitational-wave detectors will revolutionise our understanding of neutron stars. They could measure neutron star radii with 10x better precision than LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA! 🌌🌠


It has been, somewhat unbelievably, just over seven years since we detected #GW170817#GravitationalWaves [Original post on]

An infographic describing the gravitational wave event GW170817, but it has been translated into "Glasgow patter" in a humorous way.
Binary neutron star merger A LIGO / Virgo gravitational wave detection with associated electromagnetic events observed by over How far? 70 observatories. s& o Pure miles away. Foon it Sittin at coffee tryin tae stay 17/ August 2017/ awake for a day in eh lab ~ T Q Phone starts buzzin like mad wae alert ype emails =" Two wee baws of neutrons Q daein a Spice Girls n becomin gravitational wave signal wan Two wee baws of neutrons, 2 bout eh size fae Glesga tae ‘!l Paisley n bout as heavy as that gamma ray burst Jr big yellow baw in eh sky, hud a A short gamma ray burst is a h— + 2 seconds square go. pure intense beam a gamma N They foon a gamma ray burst. rays like that hing that turne that guy intae eh Hulk. ‘v" GW170817 lets us foon oot wit Didnae hit us but so .zv . . thats sound. eh expansion rate of eh universe is wae gravitational waves. We couldnae dae that before wae it. Noo we no how auld the universe is wae another method that we . didnae huv before this hing. +10 hours 52 minutes We saw a wee dot of light in eh Gravitational waves fae a kilonova sky. Boffin saes it is in a galaxy neutron baw square go lets us This hing that glows after it, called NGC 4993, in the foon oot mare aboot wit they ur is producin gold n platinum constellation of yer maw. made oot ae. Neutrons obvs. Its that we make aw that in eh name. sovereign wae.