"BJP could have been sitting pretty by now had the Gujarat riots not existed as a blot on the record of its prime ministerial hopeful" —TOI editorial, December 30, 2013, a few months before the 2014 general elections! Found this on a stack of newspapers while cleaning a shelf during home repainting.


Today is the birthday of Mohandas Gandhi, observed as "Gandhi Jayanti" in India. Also International Day of Non-Violence by UN resolution. May peace prevail. ✌️ ☮️ 🇮🇳

Portrait of an older bald Indian man wearing round glasses, walking with head bent down, carrying a staff in right hand, wearing white clothing.
Brown poster with white text in English and then Hindi. English text reads:

If blood be shed
let it be our own.
Let us cultivate
the calm courage
to die without
A white poster with black text in English:


"My notion of democracy is that under it
the weakest should have the same
opportunity as the strongest. ...
No country in the world today shows any
but patronising regard for the weak. ...
Western democracy, as it functions today,
is diluted fascism. ... True democracy
cannot be worked by twenty men sitting
at the centre. It has to be worked from
below by the people of every village."

Ceiling of a Sun Temple in Gujarat, India


A Muslim girl survivor recounts the chilling hours before the 2002 Gujarat riots—a story of fear, survival, and the need for justice. We must never forget these voices. Read on @scroll_in:

From the memoir: A Muslim girl survivor’s account of the hours before the 2002 Gujarat riots
From the memoir: A Muslim girl survivor’s account of the hours before the 2002 Gujarat riots

An excerpt from ‘The Lucky Ones: A Memoir’, by Zara Chowdhary.


Adalaj Stepwell, Gujarat


Humanismus … Würde … #Werte … Kultur. „Sei du selbst die Veränderung, die du dir wünschst für diese Welt.“ Mahatma Gandhi INFJ RIP Sir 🖖

Allein und mutig 🖖
Welches zitat zeigt am besten das Spannungsfeld auf, das entsteht wenn Du mit Deinen Werten gegenüber der Mehrheit alleine zu stehen scheinst und dennoch bereit bist daran fest zu halten
Ein passendes Zitat wäre von Mahatma Gandhi:
„Sei du selbst die Veränderung, die du dir wünschst für diese Welt. Es verdeutlicht das Spannungsfeld zwischen individuellem Wert und gesellschaftlichem Druck, und die Entschlossenheit, für die eigenen Überzeugungen einzustehen.🖖
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (Gujarati: મોહનદાસ કરમચંદ ગાંધી, Hindi मोहनदास करमचंद गांधी Mohandās Karamchand Gāndhī; genannt Mahatma Gandhi; * 2. Oktober 1869 in Porbandar, Gujarat; † 30. Januar 1948 in Neu-Delhi, Delhi) war ein indischer Rechtsanwalt, Publizist, Morallehrer, Asket und Pazifist, der zum geistigen und politischen Anführer der indischen Unabhängigkeitsbewegung wurde.🖖