30/09/2024 - Restwhoreant Critic With Evelin Stone, Molly Stewart – Brazzers Molly Stewart is a notorious restaurant critic and has come to scrutinize a newly opened fine dining establishment. She’s familiar with the tyrant c


When Alice has a change of heart, and returns to London to find Ritter, things get messy. This one licks along at a terrific pace (71 mins) despite a couple of obligatory montages (falling in love, facial reconstruction), but really leaves a sour taste in your mouth at the 'happy' ending. 5/5


I'm also going through some shit but at least I've had some good queso and (East Texas-style meat version) kolaches for the first time in years this weekend, b/c they basically don't exist up north where I live now. Also, here's two pictures of my cat being a baby?

My cat, sprawled on his back in my lap with his head thrown back.
My cat, again, but he has his little paws all bunched under his chin and he's half asleep on my lap.

As someone who has deactivated their account in the past, there are times where this place just isn't the right place for your head. At the time, the only options were to leave it be or delete it. Hopefully it's just temporary, but sometimes "keeping up" can be a struggle. 🫂MLM if you can see this


The Catholic Church as an entity with huge cultural and political force has a SHITLOAD to answer for, but even as a lapsed adult, I still feel a sort of vague... affinity for it in the way that you always remember where you came from, even if you understand it was a mess.


acts of god (2020)acts of god (2020)

Is the recent shift toward higher levels of damage the product of more violent natural conditions? It’s unlikely. A recent study of intense Atlantic hurricanes, for example, has shown that, in fact, over the last half century, the incidence of such powerful storms has actually declined.10 Yet as Roger Pielke and Christopher Landsea have observed, many—especially those in Congress, insurance, and the media—still attribute the recent high damage levels to an increase in hurricane activ- ity.11 Moreover, the tendency to blame this fictional increase in hurricane incidence on changing climatic conditions has further naturalized the problem. Hurricanes, proclaims a U.S. Senate task force on disaster relief, “have become increasingly frequent and severe over the last four decades as climatic conditions have changed in the tropics.”12 But as Landsea and others point out, the high damage costs are not the product of climate change. They stem instead from increasing vulnerability to hurricane d

Dit ⤵️ raakt (voorgedragen door de schrijfster) ...we cannot see what anyone else has swallowed.


It has to do with foreign mail, give it like 2 weeks


Same, and I can see the love letter Grezzo has written to the series now that they were allowed to develop an all new Zelda. Countless "oh yeah!" moments all throughout this one, but plenty more novel surprises. My gripes are minimal (really just dodgy lock-on ever so often) but overall fantastic!


Target now has freeze dried powdered meat and fish in shakers so your pets can join in on flavor blasting