#Day6#HBArtober#BadWeather. Had the lyrics from Oh Wonder's "Lonely Star" in mind while drawing this one.

A black and white ink selfportrait of me (a somewhat slim guy with a short beard and reciding hairline) dancing under a huge storm, with big dark thundery clouds above heads. Rain is trickling down the clothes.

#Day5#HBArtober#Gigantic. Just a simple dragon this time !

A two-panelled black and white ink drawing. The first one, at the top, displays a big dragon's head, wings close to its neck, saliva drooling from its maw with small burned trees on the background. The bottom panel, smaller, hints at a village being destroyed by flames.

#Day4#HBArtober#Mosscovered. I do have my fun with my animals covered in vegetation.

A black and white ink drawing of a deer-like figure, highlighted by the dark shapes of trees in the background. It is covered in moss, vines and all kind of vegetations to the point of beng seemingly part-vegetal, its hoofs emerging from the earth.

#Day3#HBArtober#Underwater#WorldBeyondNumber#Naram#TheWizardTheWitchAndTheWildOne to try my hand at my own version.

Naram, a gigantic sea spirit akin to a sort of sea cucumber, is depicted in this black and white ink drawing bellow dark waves, with sea foam and bubbles building up under his many tendrils. His long, coiled body is tapered, with glowing lights on his featureless head, and a small tower can be seen on the horizon, on top of the waves.

This year again, I'm trying my hand at an #Inktober#HBArtober#Day1#NightNight#fanart#MrsFlood#DoctorWho, as she appeared while saying these very words.

A traditional, black and white ink drawing of a character from the TV show Doctor Who. Mrs. Flood is an older woman in a big, feathery coat with a hood up obscuring her thin-lipped smile. She's holding a lace umbrella which is protecting her from the snow, and one of her eyes is glowing in the shadow of her hood.

We're nearing the end of the month, so here's another drawing ! Courtesy of Henry Baker's HBArtober chellnge on Instagram.

An ink drawing of a worldy performer. A woman with curly hair, a thin cocktail dress, dark lipstick and a feather boa is singing into a microphone, as a spotlight shines upon her.

Another Worlds Beyond Number inspired piece for today's HBArtober prompt : Water's edge.

An ink drawing of a couple embracing, inspired by the spirit characters of Orima and Noram from the D&D podcast "The Wizard, the Witch and the Wild One". A woman, who appears to be wrapped in leaves and kudzu, is bending down to a dark skinned elven man with long hair, emerging from the waves.

HBArtober Day 26 : Sky High. Yes, I need to watch the Sky High movie. In the meantime, here's a fanart from the excellent podcast : World's Beyond Number !

An ink fanart of the Dungeons & Dragons podcast : "The Wizard, the Witch and the Wild One". Ame, a young asian girl with a bowl cut and overalls, is screaming with joy as she flies on a broom with her caretaker : the witch known as Grandmother Wren. A kind looking, plumb woman with a bun and a quilted dress.

HBArtober Day 25 : Moving On. I didn't draw something about my ex, yaaay !

An ink drawing of a chrysalis, from which a humanoid, fairy-like figure with wings is emerging.