Ik ben niet de enige gek die Hegel en Heidegger leest.Ik ben niet de enige gek die Hegel en Heidegger leest.


reminds me of this (Herbert Marcuse to Martin Heidegger, May 12, 1948)


heidegger may say that acknowledging death will allow me to be myself but now i am just wracked with anxiety every moment


"Gretchen é acusada de ser" AMO ela fundando sua própria ontologia baseada na intersubjetividade e pisando em cima daquele nazi do Heidegger


Today I want everyone to look at this hair strand they gave Heidegger.... it's only visible from certain angles and I think they should make it fall over his forehead, haaaa


As humans we all understand from a young age we’re going to die. From that time on we find strategies to avoid thinking about it. I wonder if Heidegger would be masking in these times.


*gaat mijn boeken van Hegel en Heidegger verbranden**gaat mijn boeken van Hegel en Heidegger verbranden*


Graham Harman. Ele é o que aconteceria se o Heidegger inalasse galaxy gas.


I would kill for the tiniest Hojo and Heidegger merch u_u


Alberto Toscano on evil and technological rationality.

AT: I think that the emphasis on the centrality of bureaucratic technologies, anonymity, and logistics – while a dimension of the Nazi’s extermination of European Jewry and of genocidal violence in other contexts, Palestine included – is in many ways misplaced and misleading. It belongs to a narrative of modernity as alienation, desensitization, and impersonality, which leaves us none the wiser about the massive degrees of participation, enjoyment, and freedom that characterize phenomena of exterminatory violence. Personally, I am far more disturbed by the children of fascist settlers being indoctrinated into joyously destroying convoys of humanitarian aid directed toward the besieged and starving people of Gaza than I am by the fact that the IDF has come up with a target-generating program for a bombing campaign that makes a grotesque mockery of principles of discrimination, proportionality or what have you.
Indeed, I think the Israelis have long fed a kind of technological fetishism in their admirers (and lucrative clients) as well as in their adversaries, which we would do well to suspend and criticize. Historians of Nazi Germany have long dismantled the common sense about the impersonal machinery of extermination, making us aware of the high degrees of subjective participation, initiative, reflexivity, and commitment generated by the politics of mass murder. Putting aside any facile and futile analogies, I think there is a lesson in method there for those wishing to reflect on what prominent Israeli politicians are broadcasting as “Nakba 2.0.” I am not suggesting that we avert our eyes from the technologies of political and racial violence but that we exercise vigilance about the reproduction of twentieth-century social theories and ideologies
that treat genocide as a byproduct of technological rationality – this results in the kind of depoliticizing metaphysical framing of political violence that infamously led the German philosopher and erstwhile NSDAP-member Martin Heidegger to declare in 1949: “Agriculture is now a motorized food-industry – in essence, the same as the manufacturing of corpses in gas chambers and extermination camps, the same as the blockading and starving of nations, the same as the manufacture of hydrogen bombs.” Genocide is not the product of machinic impersonality but is brimming with agency, responsibility, and, alas, enjoyment (we didn’t need IDF TikTok videos to find this out, but they certainly raise our awareness to a sickening pitch).